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Since August 15th, 1945 the US Military has NEVER defended the country. Not Even Once... We Just Blow Up Other Countries for CORPORATE PROFIT.

There was a need to defend the country on 9/11/2001 but the military failed completely. Civilians brought down the airplane in Pennsylvania...

Read History, Learn.

Ever since VJ DAY all the wars have been marketing tools to sell weapons. Why not cut the defense budget in half... Refund the Wasted money to the Taxpayers... WELL, WHY NOT?

We keep on going to other countries and choosing sides it THEIR civil wars. Why not let foreigners figure out solutions to their Own problems... OR... NOT figure out solutions to their own problems... I couldn't care less what they do over there. It's THEIR country...

Since 1973 all soldiers have been Volunteers... Why would anyone Volunteer to go Kill People for Corporate Profit?

We are STILL in Afghanistan and Iraq... and now Syria... President Trump TRIED to Stop the War in Syria but he FAILED... We Have Gone Back... Why? What possible Mission could there be?

Imagine if we had spent that money on something useful?

Eureka, Peace March

Eureka Peace March

August 15th, 1945 was VJ Day. Victory over Japan in World War Two... To the Veterans that fought in WW2, Thanks... That was an important Victory against a real enemy. Since Then we have invaded many countries for no valid reason.


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