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Ancient UFO Drawings, Paintings - before the invention of cameras, This Is How They documented flying saucers and extraterrestrials...


Painting of a UFO from the Middle Ages Europe
UFOs in Ancient Art. Fresco detail Crucifixion of Jesus. 
Decani Monastery Serbia. 
UFOs in Ancient Art. Fresco detail Crucifixion of Jesus.  Decani Monastery Serbia.

UFO shining a beam in a Renaissance painting
UFO shining a beam in a Renaissance painting

A giant golden UFO in the medieval painting
A giant golden UFO in the medieval painting

Nuremberg woodcut flying saucers

An April 1561 broadsheet by Hans Glaser described a mass sighting of celestial phenomena or unidentified flying objects (UFO) above Nuremberg

Ezekiel wheel within wheel Bible
Ezekiel - wheel within wheel - Bible

COSMOS MYSTERY, COLOURED, Flammarion wood engraving.
Flammarion wood engraving

UFO gifts for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

compact mirror UFO

Spinner Rainbow Eye (add words) Compact Mirror
Yes, You may add words if you want to... Spinner Rainbow Eye Artwork may be Transferred to any Zazzle Product.

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