Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Rude Julie Anna Gets a $148,000,000 Fine - SEE? LYING CAN BE EXPENSIVE... He Needs to Get Trump to Pay Him for Working as a Lawyer...

 Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million to 2 Georgia election workers he defamed, jury decides... LOSER!

Rudy Giuliani made desperate appeal to Trump to pay his legal bills in Mar-a-Lago meeting... 

Rudy Giuliani must pay $148 million to 2 Georgia election workers he defamed, jury decides... LOSER!
Rude Julie Anna Gets a $148,000,000 Fine - SEE? LYING CAN BE EXPENSIVE... He Needs to Get Trump to Pay Him for Working as a Lawyer...

What IF Someone Shined a Laser Pointer at Trump at a Campaign Rally? Would the Secret Service Assume that it was a Rifle Sighting Laser? Would He "Hit The Dirt?"

Mad Panic on TV News? Absurdist Street Theater or Civil Disobedience?

What IF at a Campaign Rally Someone Shined a Laser Pointer at Trump? Would the Secret Service Assume that it was a Rifle Sighting Laser?

Personal Alarm Disruption at a Trump Rally meme

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