Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Pro-Choice Wins Nationwide! Republicans Chose the Wrong Side of this issue as The Vast Majority of Americans are In Favor of Freedom. It's A Massive Blue Wave...

What Did Trump DO to Make Your Life Better? ANYTHING??? ANYTHING AT ALL??? Go Ahead... Name Something He Actually Accomplished... You CAN'T! He's a Total Failure...

Yes, tRUMP Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... HJ RES 40... and Yes, He Signed the Tax Cut for the Rich Law... But Did Either of those Actions Make YOUR LIFE BETTER???

The GOP feels that POISONING US is a Great Idea! They Passed a Bill CUTTING EPA BUDGET 40%... So Rich People can make more money! THAT'S PURE EVIL!

Absolute proof that the Republican Party is Totally BOUGHT by Business... Bribery! Who could possibly be opposed to Protecting the Environment? Don't their Families Drink water and breathe the air? Why Vote for MORE POLLUTION??? WHY??? Corruption!

and now for something completely different!

DuckDuckGo and BING? Why Can't You See My Blog? You see Many of My Pictures but Text Searches Come up with Nothing.
Please Send Your BOT Searching and Indexing...

LINK to My Giftshop Zazzle Gregvan

It's Wonderful That Anti-Vax Idiots are Dying in Record Numbers. THANK YOU! We Certainly Don't Need People LIKE THAT in the Future...

WebMD Says: Almost All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths
are in the Unvaccinated.
Of more than 18,000 people who died from COVID-19, for example, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That's less than 1%.

On January 6th Trump Failed to Overthrow the USA and Crown Himself King. THAT'S TREASON. Is the Punishment for that Crime Still Execution?

If We Put him in PRISON... That Would Send a Message to Future Madmen that Want to Crown Themselves King... DON'T DO THAT! You'll Lose and Get LOCKED Da F*CK UP! For Years...

IF You're Lucky... Maybe "Old Sparky" at Sing Sing is Waiting for YOU...

Definition of TREASON:

1: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign's family

2: the betrayal of a trust : TREACHERY

Republicriminals Say: "Women Should Just Do What They Are Told To Do. Old White Men Know What's Best for Everyone. OBEY!" Thankfully, The Vast Majority of Americans are PRO-CHOICE! and We Will Beat the GOP in 2024...

The GOP is Anti-Choice. They Want You to Believe That They are Pro-Life But That's a Lie... What's the Difference? Anti-Choice Takes No Action at All to Protect Children from Gun Violence in Schools... Anti-Choice says: We Will Spend NO Taxpayer Dollars on Free Food for Students...

Can You Imagine What Kind of Sick Person WOULD NOT FEED A HUNGRY CHILD???

Investigate #IvankaGate What Did Jared Kushner DO to Get $2 Billion Dollars from the Saudi Arabians? Let's appoint a Special Council for the Trump Crime Family... #InvestigateJared #InvestigateIvanka #TrumpCrimeFamily

Both Jared and Ivanka Had "JOBS" in the Trump White House... What was That all about? I DO NOT Believe that I Got a Good Value for my Taxpayer Dollars... I remember that Jared was Assigned to be the Head of Everything Trump wanted to Ignore...

Vote 4 Joe Merchandise For Sale:

Even More VOTE Gear!

Liar Liar Pants on Fire Collection on Zazzle Gregvan

The GOP Anti-Woke Crusade is Failing Badly. Actual Americans Just Don't Care About It! However, It IS Fun to Poke Fun at the Brainwashed Trumpanzees and Gov. Ron Death Santa... QuackAnon Freaks ---> WAKE UP! <--- It's Fun, It's Free and Everybody's Doing It!

Link to All My Artwork! Google Image Search

Link to All my "WOKE" Merchandise
Link to All My Buttons for Sale

PragerU SUXX - They write textbooks telling false tales about history... Like: Slavery taught skills that Blacks could use to improve their own lives. Contact Info...

On the Florida K-5 ELA Supplemental Book
Opt-Out Form: You May Request...
"My Child is Not Allowed to See or Be Exposed
to Any PragerU Materials At All! Thank You!"

Link to Their Main Website:

For general inquiries:

For Example: You Could Write 'em an Email Protesting False History Lessons!
I said: "Are Your Books Teaching ACCURATE HISTORY? I've heard that they are Republicriminal Propaganda Designed to Brainwash Children... "Grooming" Future Generations to be Mind Control Slaves. Is This True? Are You Demonically Possessed?"

Prager University Foundation
15021 Ventura Blvd. #552
Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
(833) 772-4378

DO NOT Participate in The Trumpanzee Civil War. The US Military IS AUTHORIZED to Use Deadly Force. Die For Trump? That's Crazy! and there are Thousands of Empty Jail Cells Just a waiting for YOU!

FBI Kills Utah Man who Pointed a Gun at Agents. Clearly Self Defense. Trumpanzee Actually Makes America Great by DYING. Thanks!

Headline: Utah man suspected of threatening President Joe Biden shot and killed as FBI served warrant...

What a Freaking Retard!

I Myself have been visited by FBI Agents and I DID NOT POINT A GUN AT THEM and so we had a Fine Interview and No One Died... My Friend was applying for a Top Secret Job and it required a Background Check... Including Interviews with References... By The Way, I Did Not Invite Them Into my Apartment... and They Did Not Ask...

Uncle Sam says Thank You! Ohio, Virginia and Kentucky

and then on FaceBorg I Read: 
America would have never survived a second Trump term. Digging out of all the Trumpy fiascos is no easy task.

MANUFACTURING moving back to the USA is a good thing. We all like MADE IN AMERICA.
Our VETERANS support President Biden because President Biden always supports our VETERANS. President Biden has signed 9 bills into law to aid VETERANS & their families. Removing LEAD PIPES from our homes & schools saves lives. Rebuilding our AIRPORTS, ROADS, RAILWAYS, BRIDGES, and PORTS while creating thousands of NEW JOBS have been a positive results of President Biden’s INFRASTRUCTURE BILL. President Biden has produced positive results FOR the American people with his integrity & fantastic work ethic. THANK YOU PRESIDENT BIDEN.

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