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I Oppose Sending Any Money to Israel and I Oppose Cutting IRS Budget. Mike Johnson's Bill in the US House of Representatives.

END THE WAR! No Money for Israel. They Just Buy Weapons and Kill People. When they Run Out of Weapons They Can Fight Using Sticks... Much Better! The United States has given Israel more than $260 billion in combined military and economic aid since World War II. What did We Get for All That Money?

End the War in Israel/Gaza! Those People Over There Ought to STOP Behaving CRAZY! IMHO: There are Bad People on Both sides and When They are Dead, They Stop Behaving Crazy! Thank YOU for Dying!

On October 7th Hamas Murdered 260+ People for Dancing at a Techno Pop Festival. This was an Astonishingly Stupid Action as the BLOWBACK has Caused Over 4,000 Dead Residents of Gaza. OOPS! Hamas is the #FAFO World Champions! They F*CKED AROUND AND THEN THEY FOUND OUT!
The United States committed over $3.3 billion in foreign assistance to Israel in 2022, the most recent year for which data exists.[1] About $8.8 million of that went toward the country's economy, while 99.7% of the aid went to the Israeli military.

Israel received the second-largest amount of US aid in 2022 after Ukraine, where the US committed $12.4 billion. The two countries received 4.8% and 18.1%, respectively, of all foreign aid granted that year.

Israel-Gaza: How much money does Israel get from the US?
In 2020, the US gave $3.8bn (£2.7bn) in aid to Israel - part of a long-term, yearly commitment made under the Obama administration. Almost all of this aid was for military assistance.
This support came as part of an agreement signed by former president Barack Obama in 2016 for an overall package of $38bn (26.8bn) in military aid over the decade 2017-2028.
This represents an increase of about 6% (adjusted for inflation) over the spending commitment for the previous decade.

US aid to Israel and Ukraine: Here’s what’s in the $105 billion national security package Biden requested...

$61.4 billion in aid for Ukraine
$14.3 billion in aid for Israel
$7.4 billion for Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region
$13.6 billion to address security at the US-Mexico border
$1.2 billion to counter fentanyl, including inspection system deployment, additional Customs and Border Protection officers, and testing and tracing activities.
$1.4 billion for migration needs to support Safe Mobility Offices, for host communities and legal pathways in the region, for foreign government repatriation operations and to combat human trafficking and smuggling in the Western Hemisphere.
$100 million for child labor investigations and enforcement, particularly to protect migrant children entering the US through the southern border.
No Money for Israel. They Buy Weapons and Kill People. When they Run Out of Weapons They Can Fight Using Sticks... Much Better! meme gvan42 - Zazzle Gregvan - purple64ets

and then an AI Said: 
Title: Fostering Harmony: Pathways to Peace in Israel and Gaza.
The Middle East conflict, particularly the seemingly intractable dispute between Israel and Gaza, has cast a long, divisive shadow over world politics for several decades. Numerous peace attempts have made some progress but have also met roadblocks, as evidenced by recent clashes that yet again pit Israel against the Hamas-run Gaza. To contribute to the search for sustainable solutions, this blog post outlines potential pathways to establish long-lasting peace in the region. 1. Dialogue and Mediation: Both Israeli and Palestinian leaders must commit to an ongoing dialogue to find a resolution that both sides can live with peacefully. This commitment should extend beyond intermittent peace talks to continual communication channels that enable problem-solving discussions in a calm and conducive atmosphere. Here, the involvement of impartial, reputable mediators could be critical to ensure both sides feel equally heard and respected. 2. Shared Economic Interests: Common economic interests can often unite warring factions. Shared regional economic projects that require cooperation could, over time, help to build mutual respect and understanding between Israelis and Palestinians. 3. Role of International Community: A strong and unified international community must back any resolution. Major world powers must rally behind peace initiatives to ensure their effective implementation and sustainability. More importantly, it must abstain from unilaterally backing one side, as this often emboldens and enables aggression, sabotaging peace efforts. 4. Education and Awareness: The people on both sides of the conflict must learn about each other's perspectives and understand the legitimate aspirations of their 'adversary.' While government propaganda often paints the opposing side as evil incarnate, actual change could stem from community-led efforts to educate children and adults about their neighbors, leading to a peaceful coexistence. 5. Law Enforcement: Irrespective of religion or ethnicity, anyone perpetuating violence should face justice, without exception. It could include enacting new laws or enhancing the enforcement of existing ones. In essence, the justice system should not discriminate based on political ideology or affiliation. 6. Equity in Resource Allocation: Issues like the fair distribution of natural resources (like water) that currently cause resentment and unrest between Israel and Gaza need to be resolved. An international neutral body could be entrusted with this task, helping manage resources with an equitable outlook. 7. Recognizing Human Rights: Last, but by no means least, all peace attempts must acknowledge the fundamental human rights of all individuals in the conflict, be they Israelis or Palestinians. Policies must emphasize the preservation of these rights, building an atmosphere of respect and dignity. In conclusion, to bring peace in Israel and Gaza, the cycle of violence must end, which will only happen through mutual respect, negotiation, shared goals, justice, and understanding. International cooperation is essential, but the central change will happen within Israeli and Palestinian communities. While the path to peace is riddled with complexity and no easy solutions, all parties involved must recommit to trying because a peaceful Middle East benefits the whole world.

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