Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

NO USA Money for Israel or Ukraine. NO US Soldiers to Fight Other People's Wars. If Those People Over There Want To Kill Each Other, OK... I'm Comfortable With That. I Believe there are Bad People on Both Sides.

Is Genocide Good or Bad? With Eight Billion People on Earth, I'm Grateful Whenever Lunatics Die OFF. Darwin said It's Survival of the Fittest and SOME OF THOSE PEOPLE OVER THERE ARE NOT FIT.

For Example: Take this Current War Between Israel and Gaza. What If 100% of the People in Gaza Died?  WELL... What If they DO?

When was the Last Time YOU Said: "I Sure Wish There Were More Palestinians... You Can Never Find a Palestinian When You Really Need One." 

I Bet You have NEVER Said That!

Israel - Atom Bomb Meme - Don't Drop it on Gaza - IMHO

Of the Eight Billion People on Earth, 7.6 Billion of them are Foreigners... DO THEY SERVE ANY PURPOSE? DO THEY HAVE ANY VALUE AT ALL?

OK... Some are Valuable... Germans Build Great Cars. The English Write Great Books and Songs. The Canadians are Mostly Harmless. Mexico is a Great Supplier of Farm Laborers and Gardeners... China is Great at Building Apple Cellular Telephones... BUT... INDIA? Nothing... Africa and South America? Totally Useless... Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and East Ooga-Booga? Actually, I Have Not Heard Much About Them in 50 Years... What are They Doing? I DON'T CARE!

On a Social Media Platform Called Mastodon I See that George Takei Posts and I'm able to Respond to His Messages... Excellent!
He Said: "Infrastructure Week" ( I guess he was referring to tRUMP'S Failure to Get anything Done... about Infrastructure and How the Republican't Party is Failing Badly Again!)
@georgetakei I'm Glad the Republican't are FAILING to Elect a Speaker... IT SHOUTS LOUDLY That they are Incompetent and a Total Disaster as a Political Party... The from the GOP Movement is Gaining Momentum as American Citizens are Becoming AWARE of Just What a Pile of SH*T the Republican't Party Has Become.

and then on FaceBorg SE Said:
I understand that when a person dies, their loved ones are under no obligation to say how they died. But I often find myself obsessing over people's deaths if the person died at a young age and there is no logical explanation for how they died, like no long-term illness or anything like that. There is something unsettling about seeing a death announcement for a young, healthy person with no explanation about how they died. Even if the person is a total stranger to me, if I see their death announcement and see that the person was young, it will weigh on my mind trying to figure out how the person could have died. I kinda wish people would put "died in a car accident" or "died of a heart attack" in the announcement, just so people don't sit around obsessing over it and speculating about what may have happened. I'm currently obsessing over the death of a 10-year-old girl that I didn't know and who has no connection to me whatsoever, but I saw the announcement on Facebook that she died, and it's been on my mind constantly since then because I can't wrap my brain around how a 10-year-old could have just died. If it was a car accident, why didn't they say so in the announcement? Again, I realize it's ultimately none of my business, but I can't be the only one who obsesses over this type of thing.

and I Replied:
I often wonder... Classmates of Mine Died from AIDS but it was supposed to be a secret that they were Gay...

and a Lady at work that I really Liked died at age 40... I remember that she was a FAIR Supervisor... and to this day her death is a Mystery... My Guess is Fentanyl...

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