Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Math and Science MEMES - Jokes! Take a Break and Have a Laugh!

Mobius Strip Joke
Math Roller Coaster Joke Cartoon

Cute Robot advertisement

Statistics Cartoon

Cute Angles Dating App - cartoon

"We find ourselves awash in an ocean of information online. This information ocean is getting more turbulent every single day. The only tools we have to navigate through this maelstrom are the critical thinking skills that we are trying to develop in people as scientists."

This week's quote is from Anu Ojha, co-director of the National Space Centre in Leicester, England:

paranormal curves statistics cartoon

Kurt Vonnegut Quote

welcome to the world of tomorrow - spoke in that Futurama Voice!

Welcome to the World of Tomorrow! Futurama 

Bacteria word problems cartoon

student loan flee the country cartoon

question authority cartoon math

triangle cartoon jokes

and Now for something Completely Different!

marketing meme

A lot of people seem to be missing the point of this meme.
The concept of "real men do x" comes from decades of marketing. None of it has to do with "being a man". It is simply a marketing gimmick to control men's behavior.
"Real me drink beer" is an attempt to make men feel that if they don't drink beer, they are less of a man.
Same with the rest.
None of it is true.
All of it is marketing started to benefit someone in some way, usually financially.
The Jordan Petersons and Andrew Tates of the world use this tactic regularly.
Toxic masculinity is largely rooted in and created by the abundance of this sort of marketing...convincing men to conform and consume in a way that is beneficial to the marketer.

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Memes and Cartoons designed to AWAKEN Brainwashed Trumpanzees

Jim Jordan False Meme

Banning Books False Meme
SCOTUS is Corrupt - Impeach 'em NOW - bribery

SCOTUS is Corrupt - Impeach 'em NOW - bribery

I'm WOKE and Proud Of It

I'm WOKE and Proud Of It - MORE RON OR MORON?

I'm WOKE and Proud Of It - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp

I'm WOKE and Proud Of It - #ArrestTrump #LockHimUp

#Runaway from the Republican Party. They Hate Women. They Hate Blacks. They Hate Hispanics. They Hate Gays. They Hate Veterans. They Hate Young People. They Hate College Graduates. WHO IS LEFT???

Uneducated Old White Men... 
and They are Dying Every Day.

Women Voting Republican Cartoon - Robert Crumb

Remember: ANTI-VAX LIES On The Internet Have Killed Off More Republicans Than Democrats. THANK YOU FOR DYING! We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future... 

More than 1.1 million Americans have died from COVID-19. It Seems that It Wasn't a "Democratic Hoax" After All... Trump Lied, People Died... 

Studies have also found that more Republicans than Democrats have died from COVID-19. According to a study, excess death rates in Florida and Ohio were 76% higher among registered Republicans than Democrats from March 2020 to December 2021.

Covid death rates are higher among Republicans than Democrats, mounting evidence shows. Lower vaccination rates among Republicans could explain the partisan gap, but some researchers say mask use and social distancing were bigger factors.

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