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The Simpsons: Hostile Kirk Place: Mockery of Republicans Rewriting History so That Slavery was Wonderful... and Parents Freaking Out at School Board Meetings...

Simpsons: Hostile Kirk Place - Mockery of Republicans

Kirk goes on a crusade to censor and control the school curriculum in response to a history lesson that paints one of his ancestors in a bad light and Homer comes along for fun and profit.

By fanning the flames of hate and division instead of embracing historical fact, nobody Kirk Van Houten rises from obscurity to become arbiter of Springfield Elementary's curriculum--leading to a fascist, dystopian future where Kirk is Springfield's dictator.

When the school reopens, Kirk crashes the assembly to demand they stop teaching about the Great Springfield Gazebo disaster. The school then holds a meeting to discuss this and hear from both sides. Kirk drums up a lot of support from people who don't want the bad parts of history taught, whilst a counter group forms to try and keep the teaching of history in school. Eventually, the meeting is called to a close with no decision made. After this, Kirk becomes respected by the people who supported his views. As the Simpsons are driving home, Homer is struck by inspiration for the product he will make to sell to people. Later, he shows the family the advert for his new product, the Me-Shirt, which is a shirt made with copper fibers that displays different slogans on.

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I'm often Asked: What Can I Do to Beat Trump Like a Pinata? Well, If You Have Money to Give Away, Donate Money to Democratic Campaigns... Like This One...
Donate to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris
OK... The Vast Majority of Us Do Not Have Money to Give Away But... 

It Costs NOTHING To Post Anti-GOP Memes on Social Media... Scroll Down for a Huge Pile of Memes!

I Post to 16 Different Sites Every Day... Facebook, Wordpress, Gab, Mastodon, Minds, Post.News, DeviantArt, LinkedIn, MeWe, Tribel, Tumblr, Getter, Occupy, Instagram, Twitter and Flipboard...

What if Every Day On Every Platform Every Trumpanzee was Faced with THE TRUTH about their Insane Party???

Remember to Include some words About How Trump was the Worst President Ever... 

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

Take Action to Exterminate The GOP Forever! Republicriminals Are a Danger to the USA! Share Memes On Social Media today...

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