Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Trump's A Danger to Self and Others. Police Code 5150 - Music Video: The Lock Him Up and Throw Away the Key Blues!

and here's a Buncha MEMES for you to Share Worldwide! Just Pirate the Image and Post on Social Media... Remember: Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... His Puppet Won the Electoral College in 2016... Sure, Hillary Got More Votes but With our Rigged Electoral College System, Even a Loser Can Win!

How does a Bill become a Law? BRIBERY! Cartoon

Jack Smith Quote: One set of Laws - meme

GOP Hypocrite - fake law and order party cartoon

The Criminal is Going Down and Taking the GOP with him - cartoon

WOKE: Being Aware of Reality

Plans for the Fall - painting meme

Empty Green shows nude photos of Melania Trump to Congress

Forbidden Artwork... Not for Sale on my Zazzle Gregvan Store

Beware: Hackers are Now Using QUEER CODES to Steal Money

Ron Death Santa Lied: Slavery did not benefit slaves - meme

"What did liberals do that was so offensive to the Republican Party? I’ll tell you what they did. Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things, every one. So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, ‘Liberal,’ as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won’t work, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor." - Lawrence O'Donnell

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

Anti Trump memes - Let's Terminate the Republicriminal Party - They Are Evil - Jokes, Cartoons and Memes

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