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Mad King Trump: If We Fail to Beat Trump in 2024... He Will Make the USA a Monarchy and Serve as King for the Rest of His Life! and then Prince Don Junior will become King... I'M NOT KIDDING!

 A mad man's plan to become dictator:

Fire any federal employee who doesn't agree with him. Make FCC and media content under his complete control. Seize funding for all programs.
Eliminate certain federal agencies.
And more!

Headline: Trump and Allies Forge Plans to Increase Presidential Power in 2025

The former president and his backers aim to strengthen the power of the White House and limit the independence of federal agencies.

GOP Plan: Break the Election, Crown Trump King - meme

Gone Full Fascist...
Hitler wannabe without a brain...
He never did really hide it, but was probably held in check a little bit by those around him. Now, the leash has got loosened, and he can say pretty much whatever pops into his empty head. I hope he keeps this up, since the more Trump talks, the more bullets he puts in the gun to be used against him.
Homer and Trump - Worst Day of Your Life SO FAR! Cartoon meme

Headline: Wisconsin trial over fake electors set to start just before 2024 presidential election... 

Why the Supreme Court is paring back your rights (and will keep doing so for years)

"Now, equality is on the minds of the Supreme Court’s majority only to the extent of denying it. Rather than simply preserving a status quo, however, they want to turn back the clock."
"Denying opportunities — such as those to attend college or to vote in elections — can help to stem the tide of the nation’s transformation to majority minority and to retain white power."

He really is a headcase, the whole Kennedy family agrees and those folks stick together! Talk about embarrassment! If old Joe was alive this dude would be second one in the family going in for a lobotomy!

Robert F Kennedy Jr. really is a headcase, the whole Kennedy family agrees and those folks stick together! Talk about embarrassment! If old Joe was alive this dude would be second one in the family going in for a lobotomy!

Fake Electors Crime meme

I just can't get over how people just forgot to be good citizens. What is it that allowed them to overlook everything that he did. They want a dictator to control them, to be what a father figure. ? To think that my parents would be shaking their heads at what has happened. The America they loved doesn't exist.

TV January 6th meme

Comments from Patriotic Americans:

And I remember saying to my husband several times “Why hasn’t Trump called in the National Guard?”

I was watching MSNBC as I normally do that time of day and I could not believe my eyes. I was confused as what was truly happening for a few seconds.. what a horrible day!

He was waiting for Pence or the senators to get hurt so he could call Martial Law & stay in power

It was a very sad day in America! I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Those insurrectionists wanted blood. To threaten our democracy, and some of our leaders was treasonous. And the person who initiated and propagated it was trump. He needs to be charged and imprisoned.

I watched the entire day starting with Eastman, Giuliani and Trump inciting the crowd. As the rioters broke through barriers and went up the stairs I called my wife and said there's something very bad happening at the capitol.As it got much worse I couldn't believe this could happen in America.Hope every last one of them from trump down rot in jail.

I was in tears. Real honest to God tears. I had a really hard time believing what I was seeing. I was so damn sad for those police officers. If anyone I knew had been there that day? I would have turned them into the FBI.

Mockery of Jesus Freaks Cartoon - brainless

Many interesting Books Cartoon

Ronald Reagan and how he destroyed America - unfairness Doctrine

In the Garden of Edam Cheese cartoon

Leaving Florida Highway Sign - Congrats! You Escaped - meme

White Women wearing Blacks for Trump Shirts - FUNNY - meme
White Women wearing Blacks for Trump Shirts

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