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My New Year's Revolution: Do Everything I Can to Get Trump Arrested! Contact the DOJ, Senators, Representatives, Newspaper Reporters, TV Stations and Post on 16 Social Media Networks.

 I Just Wrote to The DOJ and Said: 
Arrest Trump... Don't "Forget" to do your Job... Enforcing the Law is a Great Idea! You COULD Try It! There is a Mountain Of Evidence that Trump Broke the Law... If You Wait until after 1/3/2023 It will be too late... The GOP House will start Investigations of the FBI and DOJ - and any Arrest Warrants will be DEEMED BOGUS by Trump...

You Can Contact The DOJ At:

DOJ: Arrest Trump meme - gvan42 - Lock Him Up
Arrest Trump meme - DOJ: Do Your Job - gvan42

We the American People COULD Suggest that the Department of Justice ENFORCE THE LAW... Sadly, It Appears That The Police are Corrupt and REFUSE to Actually DO THEIR JOB when the Criminal is a Part of The RULING CLASS... 

Just Like the Members of Congress are the BOUGHT PUPPETS of the Super Rich... Passing Laws That Take from the POOR and Give to The RICH... Observe the Insane Pentagon Budget that Just Passed... Obviously, You and I Do Not Need "New and Improved" Airplanes... But Welfare for the Rich is EXACTLY What those Donors Bought. They Just awarded Laugh Head Martian ONE BILLION DOLLARS for Airplanes We Don't Need...  

Massive Subsidies for Oil and Gas Companies? ABSURD!

and Surprise! Surprise! Trump Appointed The Head of the IRS and then The IRS FAILED TO AUDIT TRUMP... OOPS, Magically They "Forgot" to Do Their Job... BUT... In MY CASE... They Remembered to Audit ME... No Big Deal... I've got a Tax Man that Handles all that stuff... I Just Sign Forms... 

Don't Forget:
You Can Contact the DOJ At:

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and Now for something Completely Different.
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True story... Author: Tom Robinson (A FB friend posted 12-31-2022)
A couple of years ago, I took my wife to Washington DC. at that time, she had only been in the United States for 15 years and was thrilled to go and see all of the monuments for the first time, we went everywhere, Lincoln Memorial, the White House, up, and down the Mall, she was so happy and marveled at all of the sights. Then we came upon the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. I wanted to skip that one because of many unresolved emotional issues that I still carried with me since the war.
My wife Blanca, the sweetest little thing encouraged me to man-up and suggested that we just listen to the park ranger who was standing on a platform as he explained to a crowd of about 50 visitors what Vietnam was all about and how it had left many returning veterans with very detrimental and lasting emotional scars. I did all that I could to just stand there and listen, when all of a sudden, she, this normally very shy, demure, little woman blurted out in her very strong Colombian accent that I, her husband was a Vietnam Combat Veteran, and was a prime example of what the park ranger was referring to. She said that I was a living example of what combat veterans suffer from, she went on to say that she was very proud of me and how far I had come since Vietnam and the progress that I had made struggling with my own PTSD. I was shocked, to say the least as the crowd turned their attention away from the Park Ranger to me.
My wife went on to say that I was her hero, and that I and other combat veterans didn't deserve to be treated so bad on our return and how we sacrificed so much and was given so little; and for the first time in decades, I burst into tears, it was like flood gates that had been holding back torrents of tears had suddenly burst open to release emotions that had been stored up for far too long. I couldn't help myself, I cried like a baby, snot bubbles, and audible sobs and all. I cried for the men that I had lost, I cried for the things that I had allowed myself to do in the name of an ungrateful, and sometimes hateful country. I cried for my forever lost innocence, I cried for the anger that I never allowed myself to feel, I cried for the hell that I put my family through, finally, I was able to cry, to recognize that I had a right to express my feelings instead of always presenting a false, and feigned macho attitude, and image that I was taught as a kid. ( Boys don't cry ) and had reinforced from spending years in a warrior's culture. And, Marines never ask for help...
And suddenly I was surrounded by those 50 visitors and their children, they were all consoling me, and grown men, women, and their kids were all crying too, reaching out to hug me, patting me on the back, telling me welcome home, holding me, and little kids, and adults standing in line to shake my hand.
And, my wife Blanca, who usually would cry at the drop of a pin was standing back, gently smiling, not a tear in sight, giving me, and the crowd, room to heal... It was the most cathartically healing moment of my life.
Thanks, Tom ~
Tom, thanks for sharing. Sometimes going to "The Wall" is how we face the realities in our lives in the here and now. Resolving the past allows us to have hope for a better future. Sadly, there are still far too many who have not resolved their past (especially childhood complex traumas) and thus they keep stumbling over unhealthy learned behaviors that only keep them in the dangerous cycle of enragement of hurting self and/or others. Again, thanks for sharing and to your wife for a "job" well done... Semper Fi
Thinking about suicide... call 988... get help...

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