Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Religion has Too Many Insane Rules. Think for Yourself and Question Authority. Both Governments and Corporations Have Insane Rules TOO! REJECT MADNESS!

If YOU Find That Religions, Governments or Corporations are RUINING Your Life, Refuse to OBEY!

Free Coloring Book Art - Think 4 Yourself and Question Authority by gvan42
Free Coloring Book Art... Make as Many Prints as You Like and Share With Friends!

Simply REFUSE to OBEY Priests and Never Give Them Any Money. The Catholic Church Forbids Birth Control and that Causes Starving Children in Mexico, Central and South America. 

Read More:

Catholic Church Madness - Legalize Birth Control Worldwide

Let's Make Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide... 

I have Actually BEEN to Mexico and The Starving Children Selling Chicklets Horrified Me. Remember: If You Give Birth to 12 Children it's Very Difficult to Feed them all but if You only have Two... It's Much Easier... Did You NOTICE That Thousands of People are Walking North from Central America for a BETTER LIFE in the USA? A Fundamental Part of that Better Life is Enough Food for Your Children... 

Take Action! Leave the Catholic Church... Their Ideas are about 500 Years Out Of Date. I Realize that their Ideas Made Perfect Sense During the Spanish Inquisition but in 2022?

 What's UP with a Vow of Celibacy? Doesn't That Just Encourage WEIRDOS To Apply for the Job of Priest? 

and It's Not Just the Catholic Church That is Insane... Take a LONG LOOK at Every Religion... REJECT THE MADNESS!

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Take a Minute and Think About TITHING... Traditionally, People Give 10% of Everything they Earn to the Church. That Allows Priests to Live a Work Free Life... They Build Giant Churches filled with Gold while the People often do not have enough money to buy SHOES... Well, Tell the Priests "If You Want Money, Go Get a JOB!" 

My Grandfather was a Minister... He earned his Living from the Collection Plate... Until the 1930s when no one had any money so he quit and became a math teacher... that paid the bills, fed his family WHEN RELIGION FAILED... One Summer Grandma, My Father and My Uncle Camped on the Trinity River and Ate fish and Rabbits... and anything they could Gather.. a .22 rifle and a fishing pole was enough to live...

GOP Plan: Declare Jesus the One True God and Start Burning Witches!

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