Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Obvious Fraud - This is a "TRUMP" Phishing Scam - a Sneaky Way to Steal Credit Card Numbers - DANGER DANGER BEWARE Fake Website Designed to Steal From Gullible TrumpNiks!

When you Check Out The Price is a Hundred Dollars!

MEME - Obvious Fraud - tRUMP Phishing Scam - a Sneaky Way to Steal Credit Card Numbers - DANGER DANGER BEWARE - gvan42


A Perfect Setup for Fraud!

and then I Got a comment on FaceBooB...
"Anonymous" Said:  that’s not a bad idea. I think I’ll start one and use the money to arm my fellow leftists. I’ll be like “The Democrats have successfully de funded Qanon Readying themselves for a hard Coup when Trump is reelected. With your donation Q anon will be able to protect the president. The Democrats can’t stop patriots from funding us. Trumps federal police can’t protect this nation on their own they need your help.” And then I’ll just donate all the money to Antifa and Black Lives Matter. Or I could stockpile a bunch of weapons and donate them to antifa and Black Lives Matter and the United Left Militia. You can get these people to do anything if you tell them it helps Trump. Especially if I use their own conspiracy theories as a marketing tool.

Robert Reich: To save America from the racist, authoritarian nightmare that’s Trump, we need to beat him by such an enormous margin that his entire toxic approach to politics is discredited forever. We need to sweep presidential battleground states from Pennsylvania to Florida—and even win states like Arizona, which were once ruby-red.
We also need to defeat the Senate Republicans who have enabled Trump, including Susan Collins, Martha McSally, Cory Gardner, and, of course, Mitch McConnell.

That's where MoveOn and their game-changing Vote Tripling strategy comes in. My friends at MoveOn are some of the country’s most effective grassroots organizers, and Vote Tripling has been proven to be FIVE times more effective at getting out the vote than traditional strategies.
But MoveOn needs to raise enough money to run its Vote Tripling program in all the key presidential AND Senate battleground states from now until Election Day. I've seen MoveOn tip elections time after time over the last 20 years. And I know that MoveOn's Vote Tripling plan will work, but only if it's fully funded. Chip in monthly to support this critical work.

and Then a Guy on FaceBooB Said...
Just to be clear I don’t posting things with the intention of hurting Biden or to help Trump win. I’m just trying to chronicle every bad decision that led to Trumps reelection. I really am sorry that my level of certainty scares and offends any of my friends. It’s just I’ve been obsessively analyzing politics for 20 years. And I’ve studied the hell out of America‘s political history from FDR to today, basically the very long death of the new deal. Also I think people have a right to know everything about the presidential candidates. I don’t think people should just ignore something because it shows The true unflattering image of their ideal candidate. And I have a huge problem with politicians telling their supporters that it’s the end of the world if they lose. I knew someone who killed themself on November 3 2016. Very sweet young girl she was only 19. She was convinced Trump was going to take away her reproductive rights, and start a nuclear war with North Korea. That’s why I keep emphasizing the fact that all you really need is to flip the Senate and Trump has no power and thus Biden losing isn’t the end of the fucking world. Saying that Biden losing is the end of the world is dangerous and wrong and extremely irresponsible. you shouldn’t have to lie to people to get them to vote for you, you should just be the better candidate. I just don’t want to see any more young people offing themselves because of politicians relying on emotional manipulation.

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