Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What IF We Used This Chernobyl Fungus to Eat ALL the Atomic Waste from ALL Reactors. THAT MIGHT ACTUALLY WORK.

You Should Know About This Chernobyl Fungus That Eats Radiation. It could shield us from deadly rays.

Life will find a way... Just Like Jurassic Park Movie... SOME Lifeforms THRIVE on Nuclear Disaster...

Victor Koman: Forget Jurassic Park — this is the backstory of GODZILLA!

Victor Koman" I thought liberals didn't trust anything coming out of RUSSIA! (After 100 years of telling us how great Soviet Russia is.)

Fred Capp: Hey, I've always liked Russian music.

Gregory Laan: I think this is a Valid Solution to a serious problem... and NO, I don't Care Who the Messenger is... I focus my attention on the Message... It's a common disinformation trick to switch the subject from ACTUAL SCIENCE to "Not Invented Here"... The Idea that an Animal or Plant could Help dispose of Atomic Waste is FANTASTIC even if it was invented by The Clowns at Boeing... Wake UP! Victor Koman ...and I Like Russian Music too... 1812, Pictures at an Exhibition, Firebird, Night on Bald Mountain... Fred Capp and the Movie Music by Dmitri Shostakovich in Battleship Potemkin

I Like the Russian Idea of a Communications Satellite - Sputnik... I'm using one right now to watch TV...

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