Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What IF We Built a Radioactive Ant Farm with Magic Mushroom and Cannabis Roots? Would a DIFFERENT SPECIES OF ANT EVOLVE? GODZILLA?

At an Existing Anthill, Throw some Radioactive Americium-241 from a Smoke Detector Down the Hole... Then Plant some Psilocybin and Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms Nearby so the Mycelium (roots) Grow Throughout The Colony ... and a Ring of Cannabis Plants with Their Roots Intermingling as Well. The Ants Could Eat the Fruiting Bodies of the Mushrooms and The Pollen, Leaves and Flowers from the Kind Bud (Marijuana). As We Have Learned in Chernobyl, Some Fungus Thrives on Radioactive Waste... REALLY! It would be best if We Just Left the Plants and Animals Alone and Came Back once a Year to See What Happens... Definitely, allow Both the Male and Female Marijuana Plants to Grow and Produce seeds... NO Sinsemilla Farming Technique! Do That Somewhere ELSE. OF COURSE, You Could use Atomic Waste from an Abandoned Power Plant BUT That would be VERY Dangerous... Illegal... and a Menace to Society... What IF That Radioactive Waste got into the drinking water? 

If this Ant Farm Works, We Ought to Create One Near the Abandoned Atomic Waste Surrounding All Those Nuclear Power Plants... Diablo Canyon, San Onofre, TMI, Humboldt Bay...  The Hanford Site in Eastern Washington State, Nevada Test Site, Los Alamos, Tennessee... etc etc etc... and Definitly Rocketdyne Test Facility near Los Angeles (the one that burned to the ground During a Wildfire)... 

drawing of a mushroom - Free Coloring Book - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan
drawing of a mushroom - Free Coloring Book - gvan42

The United States Atomic Energy Commission (USAEC) granted the first license to distribute smoke detectors using radioactive material in 1963.[6]

HEADLINE: Chernobyl shocker as fungi that eats radiation found inside nuclear reactor... 

As a result of 45 years of plutonium production at Hanford, there are enormous amounts of toxic waste in Washington that we must ensure is safely contained and eliminated whenever possible. The remaining waste at Hanford includes radioactive waste and equipment; dangerous chemicals; contaminated soils; polluted groundwater; and 177 tanks holding 56 million gallons of chemical and radioactive waste.

Alternative NO NUKES! Earrings for sale. 

The Three Way Graphic in the Center is a Rainbow Alternative to the ATOMIC HAZARD Sign 

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