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The REAL GOAL of tRUMP's Impeachment Hearings is to EXPOSE Republicriminal Senators as CORRUPT PUPPETS... If They Find Mad King Donald NOT GUILTY They Will Face the Rage of Patriotic Americans... and Then They Will Have Plenty of Time to Pursue Their Lifelong Dream of Learning to Play the BANJO on the Front Porch of a Cabin in the Woods...

The GOP Calls Their First Impeachment Witnesses: The Ghost of Frank Zappa, Scoobie Doo, Benjamin Ghazi, George Carlin and Bender Rodriguez... 

Remember: Turn the SOUND OFF Whenever Jim Jordan Speaks. There is NO CHANCE That He will say Anything of Value and so... Just Mute Him... People say I'm Homophobic Whenever I Criticize Jim Jordan but... EVEN IF HE WAS NORMAL, I would find him to be a SWAMP CREATURE. 

It is FUN to Watch the Crazy Antics of GOP CLOWN Matt "Captain Kangaroo" Gaetz... What a Pathetic Wanker... I read that he was THROWN OUT of a Hearing by Adam Schiff... Fantastic! and Next week That BOGUS Mugwump will be on LIVE TV doing his Mental Patient Routine... Obviously he Learned His Shtick from watching "One Flew Over The COOKOO's Nest."

and... Devin Nunes' Cow Demanded that Adam Schiff Testify... and Adam Said... uckFay ouYay evinDay

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