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GOP Senators are Facing A Difficult Choice: Defend the United States of America ...OR... Defend Donald Trump... If The Republicriminals in the Senate FAIL TO CONVICT tRUMP... They Will Face the Wrath of Patriotic Voters Nationwide... and they will BE VOTED OUT OF OFFICE!

MEME gvan42 - Trump Is Insane - Voters #Runaway
Lets Remove Him Using The 25th Amendment

MEME gvan42 - Impeach Trump

What is happening with RUDE JULIE ANNA? Will he be arrested?
and if we FAIL to Remove tRUMP From 
Office THIS TIME... 
We'll Just Have to Impeach Him
 Again and Again and Again... 

A Million People Need To Surround the White House and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW!. Spread The Word. WE THE PEOPLE Have Had Enough!

MEME gvan42 Demand Trump Resign Now
His policies have directly harmed innocent children, the elderly, patients, consumers, and workers and have wreaked environmental ruin, polluting the air, water, and soil with lethal toxins. He proudly took away protections leaving defenseless humans to suffer more deadly coal dust, coal ash, and coal pollution.

"Never mind impeachment, millions of Trump’s victims, regardless of how they voted in 2016, should demand his resignation. A million-people march should surround the White House and peacefully make this demand repeatedly."

He has taught us that if we do not look ourselves into the mirror, the three horsemen of fascism, lawless plutocracy, and oligarchy will run our beloved country into the ground, if not over the fiscal cliff.
The spin on the Trump impeachment frenzy you're not hearing – but really really need to. Plus, the difference between a whistleblower and a status quo whistler. Next, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap joins Act Out to talk constitutional amendments, working inside vs. outside the system and finding hope – without optimism – in the fight.

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