Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

We Outlawed Machine Guns in 1934... Why NOT Outlaw Assault Rifles?. #NeverAgain - We could end the Killing if we just Collected all the GUNS and Melted them... It would be a Great Source of Free American Metal... Handy for Building Cars OR Washing Machines!

Tommy Gun - Illegal in the USA

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers

MEME gvan42 Outlaw Guns - Stop the #MAGAKillers
 For Unpopular Men, Guns are a Practical Alternative to Having a Girlfriend... Firing a Gun Causes a Massive Endorphin Dump similar to SEX...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~ 
Original Post from Long Ago
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

There is a Local "March for Our Lives" 
scheduled for 3/14/2018
here in Sacramento, California... 
Check for Your Own Town's Protest Marches...
Don't Miss These Events... 
Congress and The President HAVE DONE NOTHING.
The Time has Come for us to REMOVE 
All the Old White Men from Congress and the Statehouse.
2018 is the year we elect 
Hispanics, Blacks, Whites, Asians and Women.

Las Vegas Mass Murder - Outlaw Assault Rifles  The impetus for the National Firearms Act of 1934 was the gangland crime of the Prohibition era, such as the St. Valentine’s Day Massacre of 1929, and the attempted assassination of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933. The Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA or GCA68) is a U.S. federal law that regulates the firearms industry and firearms owners.

Music Video: "MELT the GUNS" - by Greg Vanderlaan - Feel Free To Record This and Make a Top Ten Record. Pass this On to a Friend... Chords and Lyrics Provided.

video is at:

Too many Children Dying... [A* C*]
Too Many Families Crying... [A# A]
Everybody Realizes... [A* C*]
We Should Collect 'em All... [A# A]
and Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A] 3X
Then They'll Never Kill Again... [E]

They say: "Guns Don't Kill People, [A* C*]
Bullets Kill People" [A# A] 2X
But If We Melt All the Guns... [G D A] 3X
The Bullets will be Harmless... [E]

Hey, Hey, NRA, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? 4X
[CHANT - Knuckles Knock on the Guitar Body]

No, It's Not Video Games... [A* C*]
No, It's Not Mental Health... [A# A] 2X
That's Just Our Puppet President Pretending... [G D A] 2X
When The NRA Jerks His Chain, He Jumps! Good Dog! OBEY! [E A] 3X

Too many Children Dying... [A* C*]
Too Many Families Crying... [A# A]
Everybody Realizes... [A* C*]
We Should Collect 'em All... [A# A]
and Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A] 3X
Then They'll Never Kill Again... and Again... and Again... [E]
and Again... and Again... and Again... and Again... [E F F# G Ab A]

[Spoken] Are You Happy Buying Bulletproof Backpacks for Your Children?

A* = E0 A7 D7 G6 B0 e0
C* = E0 A0 D5 G5 B5 e0
A# = E0 A0 D3 G3 B3 e0

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