Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

AMERICA'S SWEETHEART: Samantha BEE! Take a break from the Madness and Laugh! Funny Videos....

Please Share these Videos on Known GOP Social Media Websites and Republicriminal FaceBooB Groups... 

Help Brainwashed TrumpNiks to WAKE UP! NOTICE REALITY and SWITCH!  Vote Democratic!

I believe that Constant Drenching with Truth WILL Let Trump Supporters Reject Their Fox News Programming and Cause Them to Think for Themselves and Question Authority... It's Worth a TRY! 
#Vote4Joe He's Not Insane!

Here's How Taxpayers are Funding Trump's Resorts

The Well-Documented Case of Trump’s Undocumented Employees  TBS

How US Meddling in Central America Created the Modern Day Border Crisis  TBS

Roger Stone: America's Athlete's Foot


The GOP is Super MAD About Everything All The Time! WHY? Because they Know that They Are Doing EVIL and They Feel Guilty About It.

They Know Their Party Is Doomed. Trump Will Lose in 2020. The Senate and The House will Become Democratic. A New Era of Peace and Prosperity Will Start. The GOP Will Not Win any Elections for 50 Years. The ERA of the Old White Man Ruling Everything is Quickly Coming to an End. Most Voters are Women, Minorities or College Graduates. All Democratic Voters...

Let's Try Majority Rule in the USA. We TRIED Corporate Rule and That was a Disaster! #Impeach

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