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TRUMP GETS SPANKED! at the Robert Mueller Hearing Today... and MORE to COME Later... and not the "Fun" Spanking like Trump's Porn Star "Friend" Stormy Daniels gave him... No, No, Not THAT! --->Mueller Made Trump Look Guilty. <--- VERY GUILTY!

Robert Mueller Speaks! The Circus Begins... 
Just Like Ancient ROME, we have something to DISTRACT our attention from the ROT destroying America and our way of life... as always, I mute the Sound when Republicriminals are Speaking... Why would anyone allow those "Slaves of Satan" to pour poison into our brains? BLA, Bla, Bla... I Can't HEAR YOU!

Mueller Says that: Trump Refused to be Interviewed by Mueller... WHY? What is he Hiding?  Why did he say "I Don't Know... " 36 times in response to written questions... Is that evidence of Dementia? Alzheimers? Lying? Obstruction of Justice? 

Mr Collins (R-Uranus) says: "Our Glorious Leader Can Do No Wrong. Even when he does wrong, He Does No Wrong!"

Ms LOFGREN says: There were 126 Contacts between Trump Campaign and Russians... Mueller Says: Accurate.

Mr. Ratcliff says: Mueller Report Concludes: Trump not Exonerated...

Mueller Speaks! Ms Jackson Lee asks about: Motive for Trump's "Potential" Obstruction of Justice and Lots of Time in Jail for Trump... For some unknown reason the Audience does not start Chanting: LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! LOCK HIM UP! I guess we are to polite for Chanting... 

Mueller Speaks! Mr Sensenbrenner Says: The President is Innocent Until Proved Guilty. Good Point! Where exactly is all this smoke coming from? I see no FIRE! Could it be... Magic? Could it be... "The Deep State?" Could it be... "The Ummagumma of Cambridge..."

Mueller Speaks! While we were Distracted: Trump attempts to Cut Off Food Stamps. Causing Hunger in Children and Bad Health... including Stunted Growth... and Stunted BRAIN GROWTH... Starvation is bad for Children and other Living Things. PURE EVIL... Food Stamps ALSO cause increased Sales for American Farmers. Why does Drumpf Hate Farmers? Why? 

Mueller Speaks! I didn't hear what Mr Gomhert Said BUT He is Certainly Playing the Part of the "ANGRY OLD MAN" well... pointing fingers... going "Postal" - He must have watched The Archie Bunker TV Show... WAH! You are the Problem Mr Mueller, Not The OBVIOUS CRIMES of Our Glorious Leader... WAH!

Mueller Speaks! While we were Distracted: 
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Fact Checker Analysis
Is Trump cutting Medicare to give tax breaks to billionaires?

While we were Distracted: OAN NEWS employs a Kremlin Paid Propaganda Dude... TrumpNik TV Station is a Front for a Russian Influence Campaign... and Trump LOVES OAN! It's his Favorite Show! PRAVDA USA...

While we were Distracted: HEADLINE: Greta Thunberg speech: French MPs boycott teen ‘apocalypse guru’ ---> Well, Isn't That Special. French Lawmakers say Nothing is wrong with our Climate: The Massive Heatwave happening today is SIMPLY NOT REAL... We, the Elderly Know What's Best. Protect Profits of Corporations that Sell Fossil Fuels. Anyway, We will all be Dead Before Global Warming is a Problem... SO, Be Quiet Greta! Stop Revealing Our LIES! We are NOT Paid Stooges of the Ruling Class... "Children Should be Seen and Not Heard!

While we were Distracted: HEADLINE: Paris Scorches in Historic Drought as Heatwave Fries Europe... IS THAT A SIGN? a HINT? Would Today be a Good Day to WAKE UP?

Mueller Speaks! HEADLINE: Mueller confirms he did not exonerate Trump despite president's claims. 
The former special counsel rebuts Trump’s claim that he was cleared of obstruction of justice before the House judiciary committee. No matter how many times TRUMP LIES, Don't Believe The Hype! - NOTICE REALITY... 

Mueller Speaks! Mr. Gaetz - Is Doing that Pointing Finger Thing! Pretending that Mueller FINDING The Russian Interference in the 2016 Election is the Problem. "Shoot the Messenger!" The ACTUAL CRIME doesn't matter... It's the REPORTING of the Crime that's the Problem... We should all simply IGNORE the fact that Trump is Putins Puppet... LOVE THE TENTACLE! (Futurama TV Show cultural reference)... I must admit, Mr. Gaetz has a Fine Haircut! Grease! We haven't seen that since "Mr. Smith in The Matrix" WHEE... What's Next? H R Haldeman FLAT-TOPS?

While we were Distracted: Trump FAILS To Protect the Environment. Significant Threat to Health IGNORED... HEADLINE: Beaches across America showed unsafe levels of pollution last year, a study finds... Trump's Healthcare Plan: "Get Sick? Die... Loser."

While we were Distracted: NAACP Calls for Trump's IMPEACHMENT. I wonder... Why can't We have a Half a Million People in the Streets DEMANDING RESIGNATION like they are doing in Puerto Rico? Playing Drums, Chanting, Dancing, Encircling the White House in REBELLION... That Sounds Like a Great Party! I KNOW...  I played the Drums at the White House protesting War during George Bush The Father's Time... IT'S FUN. Lafayette Park. Be There or Be Square...

Mueller Speaks! Ms LESKO reads William "Chicken" Barr's Lies Out Loud and tries to Get Mueller to Agree. Mueller Declines... Sorry... Then she appears to Fake Confusion and Outrage... Then she Quotes FOX News: He says, I Don't Know about That. She Complains about the PRICE of the Mueller Investigation IGNORING The Fact That the Federal Government Seized Real Estate from Convicted Felon Paul Manafort with a VALUE of $45 Million Dollars... WAY more than the $25 Million Dollar Price of the Investigation... and anyway... The Mueller Investigation was TOTALLY WORTH IT Just to Lock Up all those TrumpNik Criminals! 

The Conclusion of the Mueller Report is: ELEVEN (11) TrumpNiks were arrested and EIGHT (8) ARE GUILTY ALREADY. Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwann=Guilty, Maria Butina=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, Rodger Stone=NOT Guilty YET. Steven Calk, the banker who wanted to be Secretary of the Army using fraudulent loans to Paul Manafort as Resume Padding was Indicted on Federal Bribery Charges = Plead not Guilty. Maria Butina's Boyfriend, Paul Erickson Arrested, Plead Not Guilty... Trump transition adviser, Bijan Rafiekian=Guilty... convicted on foreign-agent charges... Mueller left Impeachment of Trump up to Congress but provided a roadmap. 

While we were Distracted: HEADLINE: North Korea just revealed one of its most potentially dangerous weapons yet.
The revelation is clearly a message for Trump. UckFay OuYay RumpTay! It's kinda Pathetic That RumpTay wanted to be awarded a Nobel Peace Prize for Doing Nothing about Nuclear Weapons in North Korea... Sorry, No Prize for You, Loser...

While we were Distracted: GIANT FIRE IN IDAHO. HEADLINE: A fire in Idaho grew to 90,000 acres in less than a day... Republicans Blame Socialists...

While we were Distracted: HEADLINE: Republican lawmakers who backed Trump’s tax cuts now FREAK OUT over bipartisan spending deal. 
The tax cuts for the rich have helped fuel the largest budget deficit in American history. A GOP Tribute to the Frank Zappa Album FREAK OUT!

Meanwhile, Back at the Mueller Hearing:
Ms Mucarsel-Powel states "An Attempt to Obstruct Justic Does Not Have to Succeed to Be a Crime: Robert Mueller says: TRUE.

I think it's Funny that FOX NEWS has a Show called OUTNUMBERED... I guess that they realize that WHITE RACICTS FOR TRUMP is a Minority Group... Most Voters are Minorities or Women. I'm watching that show right now and The Talking Heads Look Worried... Their Glorious Leader is Getting SPANKED! and not the "Fun" Spanking by Trump's Porn Star "Friend" Stormy Daniels... 

and that ends the First Mueller Hearing... BIG FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY... Stay Tuned, More SPANKING OF TRUMP TO "COME" LATER TODAY!

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