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Round Two of the Mueller Hearing: Adam Schiff speaks of "Disloyaly to Country." - Violating the Basic Beliefs of All Americans... that WE THE PEOPLE should elect our President. NOT Foreigners! and Lies, Lies, Lies... to everyone... This ROT CAME FROM WITHIN.

and then Devin Nunes Speaks... Repeating the lie that the investigation was started by the Christopher Steele Dossier... Conveniently "Forgetting" that it was George Papadoupolous bragging to an Australian Diplomat that Started the FBI Investigation... No Matter How many thims TrumpNiks Repeat the Lie, it does not re-write history... and anyway, the vast Majority of the Steele Dossier is Accurate! Devin... You are SO Busted!

Mueller Speaks! About Counter Intelligence matters he says... We did set up processes to Brief the FBI about Counter Intelligence. All Questions about that should be directed to the FBI.

Adam Schiff Repeats Crime after Crime of Trump's Campaign. Mueller Agrees. Nunes attacks the Australian Politician that George Papa Doo Run Run Sang to... He was a Clinton Donor and so... Him reporting Papa Doo Run Run to the FBI makes any TRUTH TOLD Suspect. Classic Republicrime Strategy "If you can't refute the Facts, Shoot the Messenger." 

Ms Sewell states: The Federal Campaign Finance Laws Prohibit accepting anything of Value from a Foreign Government. It would be a Betrayal of American Values... 

Mr Turner: "Collusion" is not a Legal Term. So any denial of Collusion is BizarroWorld TrumpSpeak... "Exonerate" is not a Legal Term... and so the Claim of failure to Exoneration is BOGUS. Mueller Disagrees with Mr Turner... Mr Turner is Totally twisting the word to be a Pretzel Logic Game... Well, Mr Turner, So Freaking What! How Many Angels Dance on the Head of a PIN? Riddle me THAT, Turner... If you want to Play Word Games play Scrabble... 

Round Two of the Mueller Hearing:
and then they babble on and on and on... Dr Wenstrup tries and fails to twist Mueller's Words... Mueller Tells him to read the report... and then Westrup reads many headlines about things Democrats say... Mueller rejects all comment on Other people's words... "I'm not going to discuss any of that."

Ms Jackie Spear questions about a Republicrime's Statement that the entire Investigation is a "HOAX" - Mueller says: it is NOT A HOAX... and anyone who says it is a "HOAX' is out of touch with reality... 

Mr. Stewart says: Trump is Presumed Innocent until Proven Guilty and He deserves a Fair Trial with a Jury of his Peers... So, let's get twelve Con Men, and ARREST TRUMP! Put them in a Courtroom and settle this Once and For All... 

Mr Quigley: It is stated that a Sitting President Cannot be Indicted... However, A president CAN be Indicted after he is out of Office. Will a president be considered to be above that Law if the Statute of Limitations runs out... while he is serving? 

Mr Crawford asks about "Collusion" (not a legal term) - Peter Strok and Lisa Page text messages somehow significant... He also wants to know about the "Oranges" of the Mueller Investigations. 

Mr Nunes: asks about Fusion GPS the people who funded the Steele Dossier... an organization originally funded by Republicans... 
and then financed by the Clinton Campaign... and then Nunes states amazingly twisted conspiracy theories... Muller Refuses to answer any of Nunes's Questions... 

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing:

Round Two of the Mueller Hearing:
and then Eric Swallwell provides a List of TrumpNiks who Lied to Mueller. Lies, Lies, More Lies... and then Mueller states that the Lies Hampered his investigation... Lies, Deletions of Documents and Encrypted Data... Hampered the Investigation... It's In the Mueller Report... "That is True" says Mueller... 

Ms Stefanik: Goes back to the Steele Dossier... Mueller refuses to answer and Questions about the Dossier... Why do the Republicrimes obsess about the Steel Dossier... could it be the Russian Hookers and Urination? and then we go back to Nunes and he starts talking about Some guy I've never Heard of ... Joseph Miska... Whoever that is... More research needed... 

Mr Castro: Asks about the Trump Tower Moscow Deal... Michael Cohen lied to Congress to Minimise the reports that Trump was doing business with Moscow so NO ONE WOULD NOTICE" Trump's LIES... Candidate Trump said he had no Business Dealings in Moscow but THAT WAS FALSE... Cohen, Trump and The Kremlin all were singing the same song... Possible Blackmail?

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing: 
How Donald Trump’s War on Abortion Could Make the Opioid Epidemic Worse...
The abortion clinics the president is trying to close are also at the frontlines of addiction treatment.

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing: Extinction Rebellion protesters confront politicians at US Capitol...Climate crisis group members glue themselves to doorways to block members of Congress from attending evening vote...

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing: July is on track to become Earth's hottest month on record, climate scientists say
Even with more than a week left until the end of the month, experts are already anticipating that the current record from July 2017 will fall.

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing: Beginning January 1st, the EPA will phase-out the refrigerant R-22, better known as Freon. Instead, it’ll be replaced by Puron or R410A. Experts say it’s more environmentally friendly. REALLY? Who are these So Called Experts? Lobbyists for Puron Manufacturers?

While we were Distracted by The Mueller Hearing: ICE PINATAS! Beat an ICE Officer with a stick and you Get Candy...

actually, I've seen enough of the Mueller Hearings... I wonder if there are any Simpsons Reruns on... 


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