Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Not EVERYTHING about Nuclear Power is a "HorrorShow" ... The Engineering Marvel of the Chernobyl Containment Building is Fascinating! A great TV Show Called MEGA STRUCTURES documents the construction.

No Nukes is Good Nukes - Bumpersticker by gregvan on zazzle

Ironically, the Woods Hole Ocean Research project measuring Radioactive Fallout in the Water off the California Coast found that... Yes, there was an elevated amount of Pollution BUT... The FUCT YOU SHIMA disaster fallout was SMALL IN COMPARISON to the Lingering Cobalt from Atomic Bomb Tests done in the Forties, Fifties and Sixties. ... Nuking Bikini Atoll and all those other Experiments REALLY SPREAD TOXIC WASTE ALL OVER THE PACIFIC OCEAN... and into the Fish We Eat!

MEME - No Nukes! - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

I also saw a documentary about a Concrete Dome that was used to plug the Crater caused by the Bikini Test... They tried to completely seal all that Radioactive Matter inside a box. The Bottom was made out of the Melted Glass Dirt created by the Extreme temperature of the blast and the top is poured concrete. Now the TOP has Cracked and there is concern that THE GENIE MAY ESCAPE FROM THE BOTTLE!

Radar Pyramid - Atomic Defense System
Radar Pyramid - Atomic Defense System 

Radar Pyramid - Atomic Defense System

Thousands of cubic metres of radioactive waste lies buried under a concrete dome on the Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the legacy of over a decade of US nuclear tests in the Pacific.

Now rising sea levels are threatening to spill its contents into the sea. Read more here:

NO NUKES! - MEME - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Nutcracker Ballet - Abstract Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Part of the 'Nadsat' vocabulary used by Alex in Anothony Burgess' Novel 'A Clockwork Orange', Horrorshow was derived by Burgess from the russian word 'Khorosho' meaning well or good.

Trump calls IG report 'horror show', blames Dems for separations

In a Friday interview with 'Fox & Friends,' the president calls the IG report a horror show and that he would a poll in the FBI and that Democrats are to blame for separating families at the border.

how does Trump even know the word HORRORSHOW?  A Russian word... 'Khorosho' meaning well or good.

Satellite Photo of Diablo Canyon Atomic Power Plant - MEME - gvan42

No Nukes is Good Nukes - Bumpersticker by gregvan on zazzle

and there is a different picture on the back of the Greeting Card... a Rainbow Spiral...

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