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HEY KIDS, DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME! Man sentenced to 18 months in prison for sending threatening emails to Ajit Pai, the FCC Commissioner that repealed Net Neutrality.

What an absurd "Justice" system we have... This seems like a long sentence for a Supposed Crime that did not actually do any harm. REMEMBER! DO NOT EMAIL ANY DEATH THREATS TO PUPPETS OF EVIL CORPORATIONS... 

IMHO: SOME "Crimes" are prosecuted harshly and some people get off with no punishment at all... For Example: The person that reported about the SECRET US DRONE KILLING PROGRAM was arrested but the people ACTUALLY DOING THE KILLING did not... Now the US Government has stopped reporting how many civilians are killed by our drones... Very similar to the TERMINATOR movies with robots raining death down from the skies...

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