Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Word Art Skull: Outlaw Guns... NRA=EVIL... Free Clipart for You to Use in your own Potatoshop Creations... Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns, Melt Guns... It's Not Complicated.

Word Art NRA Gun Kill AR-15 Murder Children by gvan42
Word Art NRA Gun Kill AR-15 Murder Children

Word Art Skull Outlaw Guns by gvan42

OUTLAW ASSAULT RIFLES - Americans Have Had ENOUGH Murder. Put It To A Vote In Congress To Find Out Who Is EVIL.

 Contact Congress and Tell 'em: "END THE MASS MURDER BY ASSAULT RIFLE. Pass a Bill to Outlaw Them!" 

melt guns meme by gvan42

outlaw guns meme by gvan42

FUND THE POLICE. I'm Totally in Favor of More Police Arresting REAL CRIMINALS. For Example: TREASON, Insurrection, Murder, Rape, Fraud, Income Tax Evasion, Robbery, Kidnapping, Crazy People with GUNS, muggers, arson, wife beaters, BRIBERY of Politicians and Seditious Conspiracy.

People That DO EVIL Really Need to Be Put Behind Bars... For Example: Donald Trump... #LockHimUP

and we ought to release all Cannabis Prisoners... We'll need the Jail Cells to House Crazy TrumpNiksĀ® 

#ArrestTrump meme Here come the Cops

Remember: Trump Signed the Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law... 

HJ RES 40... 
If a person gets a Social Security Check due to INSANITY They No Longer have to Report That Fact on a Gun Purchase Background Check... 

Guns do not save lives meme by gvan42 purple64ets
BULLETPROOF BACKPACKS 4 KIDS - Proof that the USA is INSANE - Why Not Simply Outlaw Guns? Then There will be NO NEED for Bulletproof Backpacks...


Bulletproof Backpack Insert Advertisement - Proof that the USA is Insane! Outlaw Guns!
Here is a Link to This Store! 

UVALDE: GOP Loves Guns... EVIL

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