Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

American History: Author Ken Kesey was a Paid test subject in Project MKULTRA, the CIA LSD Experiment to see if Drugs could be used as weapons of war.

 They also tested LSD on Robert Hunter (Lyrics-Grateful Dead) and Stewart Brand (Whole Earth Catalog Author). Ken Kesey Employed the Dead to play at his Acid Tests... so, WAS the Grateful Dead Tour a CIA Experiment to see what would happen if millions of people used LSD? I certainly feel that if the Police WANTED to arrest all the LSD Merchants that worked the Parking Lot, they would have had an easy time... So, maybe they were bought off by the CIA so that the MASSIVE Distribution of LSD could continue... Maybe the Grateful Dead Tour was DEPLOYMENT of MKULTRA because the CIA felt that they were undermining the Anti-War Movement... Radicals that were Protesting took LSD and Dropped Out to go live on Communes in the country, grow some vegetables, chickens, weed and Children...

LSD Ripple Colorswirl by gvan42- Gregory Vanderlaan - Psychedelic Art
Click on the Picture to See It Bigger

Mickey Hart and Bob Weir belong to the Bohemian Grove... This all makes sense to me as The Grove was started as a getaway for artists, musicians and journalists who wanted a private place to party outside of San Francisco... So Bob Weir and Mickey Hart would be a great addition to group sing alongs around the campfire...

Timothy Leary was a CIA employee who wrote the "Leary Personality Test" years before he ate Magic Mushrooms and LSD.

Great Books: Project MKULTRA CIA LSD American History "The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks

MKULTRA: a CIA Mind Control Project in the USA during the 1950's and 1960's. They were looking for a way to use drugs as weapons of war. For example: LSD as a way to simply get the "enemy" to lay down their arms, voluntarily... like, too stoned to fight...

50th anniversary of the Summer of Love... The Diggers, Haight Ashbury, LSD and the Grateful Dead.

LSD Psychedelic Art by Greg Vanderlaan vandergreg gvan42 purple64ets gregvan

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