Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Some pictures of my Farmville Game... Drive Thru Redwood Tree... Famous Skunk Train...

 "MooVE it on Over" says my Farmville Cow on a Trip to Oregon... My Dashboard Travel Companion...

 the Farmville COW, cones and rocks...

When I was working at The County of Humboldt I really enjoyed playing Farmville.
It was a pleasant Escape from Reality... 
Drive thru redwood tree and a calf parade...
click on the image for a bigger picture... 

In Leggett, California near Fort Bragg there is a
 Drive-Thru Redwood Tree.

In Willits (on Highway 101)
The World Famous Skunk Train. 
Originally, used to haul cut trees to the Lumber Mills,
now used as a tourist ride in open air cars.

Click on above link for more info about
Drive-Thru Redwood Trees... 

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