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Sculpture of Horses made out of Welded Together Horseshoes - On Highway 101 in Del Norte County - Near Oregon - Folk Art - on the Road to the Legal Marijuana Store...

Sculpture of Horses made out of welded together horseshoes on Highway 101, California near Oregon.

Sculpture of Horses made out of welded together horseshoes on Highway 101, California near Oregon.

Sculpture of Horses made out of welded together horseshoes on Highway 101, California near Oregon.

Sculpture of Horses made out of welded together horseshoes on Highway 101, California near Oregon.

I used to Drive from Eureka to Oregon every two weeks because Marijuana was Legal In Oregon and Illegal in California... It's a Great Drive and I NEVER SMOKED WEED AND DROVE IT... After Buying the Weed, I drove that Tricky Section of Highway 101 CLEAN AND SOBER... It's got a LOT of Difficult Turns and VAST DIFFERENCES IN AMOUNT OF SUNLIGHT. In the Meadows, The Sunshine is BRIGHT but then You drive into the Redwood Forest and IT'S REALLY DARK... Basically, You are Blind for a second or two... and there is a LOT of Traffic on that Two Lane Road... 

But the Destination was wonderful... There were FOUR Legal Marijuana Stores in Brookings... and Each could sell a Customer SEVEN GRAMS A DAY... So, I visited all Four Stores and Bought an Ounce... Do You Metric Math! 7 x 4 = 28... and there are 28.5 Grams per Ounce... 

I was always concerned about the Fruit Inspection Station coming into California... Every Car is Stopped and they ask you if You are Bringing in any FRUIT... They IGNORED the Vast Numbers of People Importing Marijuana... They Never Inspected the Van... Quite Different than the Border at Tijuana!

Photo of the Marijuana Store in Brookings Oregon

Photo of the Marijuana Store in Brookings Oregon
Photo of the Marijuana Store in Brookings, Oregon
Clamshell on the Dashboard of my Ford Windstar Van
Clamshell on the Dashboard of my Ford Windstar Van
After I Retired... I Drove all over the Western USA sleeping in my Van... I put a Mattress in the Back... I "BECAME A TURTLE" - I always looked for Remote Locations so THE POLICE would not Bother me in the Middle of the Night... I Remember One Location in an Oak Forest Between RED BLUFF, CA and the Mountains of the Coast Range... The Acorns would Fall out of the tree and BANG! a Loud sound when the Hit the Roof of the Van... 

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