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Meetings with Remarkable People. Cindy at work. DHHS Humboldt County, California (The Welfare Office)

She is an Elderly, Diabetic, Gentle, American Indian.

She was a member of our Labor Union. I was NOT a member.

She said: "Greg, I've seen too many Strange things happen here that I want the Labor Union behind me."

I said: "I get the benefits of a Labor Union even if I don't Pay, so why should I join?"

She also sang out loud: "I don't want to work, I want to Bang on the Drum All Day."

So... One day she did not show up for work and someone came over and cleaned out her desk... and Leslie's Desk... and Cindy's Sister's Desk... They all just did not show up for work.

We got no explanation about our missing comrades...

About a week later, Leslie Came back to work and said: "There was money missing and they gave everyone who signed checks a week off from work with pay until they solved the crime. Then they offered us our jobs back and Cindy told them to [expletive deleted]... Cindy's Sister came back to work."

So... Cindy is living at a remote farm with her children and other random Tribal Members... Her Son is a local Rock and Roll Promoter... and he taught Cindy the Todd Rundgren Song. 

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