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The public comment period will soon begin for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) controversial proposal to ease the Obama administration’s methane pollution standards for oil and natural gas drillers, according to the Federal Register.
The public comment period will soon begin for the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) controversial proposal to ease the Obama administration’s methane pollution standards for oil and natural gas drillers, according to the Federal Register.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Proposed Rule: Oil and Natural Gas Sector: Emission Standards for New, Reconstructed, and Modified Sources Reconsideration
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Comment:Keep the current pollution regulations because I WANT TO BE ABLE TO BREATHE... Corporations should not pollute our environment...
We ought to build a giant solar power desalinization plant in Southern California. Convert Seawater into drinking water, salt and electricity. It would use solar reflectors to boil seawater and create steam. That steam would be used to drive turbines and create electricity. When the water cools it condenses into pure H2O and salt. The water would be sold to people for drinking, washing, watering livestock and watering plants. The salt could be sold or returned to the ocean if there are not enough customers... Camp Pendleton near San Diego would be an ideal location. Southern California is in need of water. There is a current proposal to use pipelines to move fresh water from the Sacramento River to be used by farmers and residents in SoCal. An alternative would be to just get the water from the ocean... We should also stop watering lawns in California. It's a cultural norm that is not practical in a state that is suffering drought. What if it became fashionable to have rock gardens or cactus? That's what they do in Arizona...
We ought to build a giant solar power desalinization plant in Southern California. Convert Seawater into drinking water, salt and electricity. It would use solar reflectors to boil seawater and create steam. That steam would be used to drive turbines and create electricity. When the water cools it condenses into pure H2O and salt. The water would be sold to people for drinking, washing, watering livestock and watering plants. The salt could be sold or returned to the ocean if there are not enough customers... Camp Pendleton near San Diego would be an ideal location. Southern California is in need of water. There is a current proposal to use pipelines to move fresh water from the Sacramento River to be used by farmers and residents in SoCal. An alternative would be to just get the water from the ocean... We should also stop watering lawns in California. It's a cultural norm that is not practical in a state that is suffering drought. What if it became fashionable to have rock gardens or cactus? That's what they do in Arizona...
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