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Great Book: "Be a Hobbit, Save the Earth:: the Guide to Sustainable Shire Living" by Steve Bivans

How can we transform our chaotic world into a Shire?

It's not easy, but it is Simple. 
We begin by transforming our own minds:
  • Essentially evolving from Homo Sapien to Homo Hobbitla, becoming a modern hobbit! 
  • And no, you don’t have to move into a hole in the ground, or into the country. You can do it in a condo, or in the ‘burbs.’
We transform our homes into hobbit holes: 
  • Minimize our stuff
  • Eat healthier and tastier food from our organic, home gardens and from local farmers markets
  • Use less plastic, and more sustainable materials, like Hemp, bioplastics, reclaimed wood, stone, and glass.
Then we get to work in our communities and neighborhoods to turn them into little Shires!
  • Build community gardens and farmers markets
  • Utilize the Sharing Economy
  • Work to maximize Compassion, Understanding, and Acceptance instead of Fear
And last, we export Shireness to all the World!
  • Cut back on our use of fossil fuels
  • Support clean energy initiatives and help to clean up our oceans.
  • Vote out the Sarumans and Saurons, and vote in fellow Hobbits.

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