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Great Documentary TV Show: "Who Rules America?" by Danny Schechter. The Real Power behind Our Government. Why We Occupy Wall Street.

This documentary provides a comprehensive look at the so called democratic governing system of the United States of America and reveals the actual powers who are ruling the nation. The people on Wall Street are just one of a number of un-elected and very powerful forces that operate in the shadows, behind the scenes. There are the media forces, the military-industrial forces, the corporate forces, and there are the forces that will be investigating this television series, which asks a question that most of the media does not: Who rules America?

Episode #1 The Debate Over Power

Episode #2 The History of Democracy in America

Episode #3 The Corporate Takeover

Episode #4 The Power of the Media

Episode #5 Money Dominates Politics

Episode #6 The Power of Wall Street
There are SIX episodes... but I can't find #6...

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