Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Think for Yourself and Question Reality - Did you ever notice that the Fifties are over? Obedience is no longer HIP... Why not Wake UP? it's Fun, It's Free and Everybody's doing it!

Like My Uncle Said...

"In the Fifties, When The Government Said: 'Go To War', You Just Went." 

Korea is a classic example. Does anyone know what the Mission was? Was it simply to give script writers help with the MASH TV Show? Thankfully, We WOKE UP! In the Sixties... 

Fighting Communism? What a Pathetic Joke!

I'd Rather take a ride on the Carousel of Progress.

In the Sixties, the General Electric Corporation Built a ride for the 1964 World's Fair. It featured a Typical American Family traveling thru Time. Each diorama depicted a different era and the Technology Used by that Family to make life easier... Every time the audience rotated to view a new scene, they played the song... The Goal of the exhibit was to show how GE Technology had improved the quality of life for YOU and I... The exhibit was moved to Disneyland and EPCOT after the World's Fair Ended.

The '64 World's Fair was also used as a set for the movie 'Men in Black'. Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones protected the Earth from Aliens.

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Something my Mom taught me...

Mom said that there is a concept called "self fulfilling prophesy". Her example: If you get a TATOO that says "BORN TO LOSE" you will. Be careful what you believe. Your beliefs can influence your future... If you find that your beliefs are wrong, change them... THINK FOR YOURSELF !

I was thinking about this because I was at an AA meeting and one of the other people was talking about the FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS OF BUDDHISM. The person talking actually got the "TRUTHS" totally wrong but it did make me think...

A concept that always seemed idiotic is: PREMARITAL SEX IS A SIN. Someone in a Christian Church expressed this ABSURD philosophy to me. They seemed to feel that people should not do things that are a "SIN". INSANE! I have TESTED their belief and found out that they are INCORRECT. IT IS BIG FUN! Avoid believing Religions that teach concepts that are OBVIOUSLY FALSE. THINK FOR YOURSELF... I wonder if this is REALLY in the Bible or did some preacher JUST MADE IT UP?

There are some aspects of Christianity that make NO sense. For example: Forgiveness of sin. They say that if you commit a sin and then ask for forgiveness, then you can go to heaven. RIDICULOUS! No wonder it is the preferred religion of the MAFIA! Check out how this works... On Monday, a person sells heroin to elementary school kids. On Tuesday, a person goes to church and says: "Forgive me father for I have sinned"... PRESTO=CHANGO all is forgiven and that person can go to heaven. On Wednesday, that person commits murder. On Thursday, he goes to church and say: "aw shucks, I sinned again... forgive me daddy"... a MIRACLE HAPPENS AND THE MURDERER IS FORGIVEN AND CAN SING WITH THE ANGELS FOR ALL ETERNITY... On Friday, the person HAS SEX with an adult that he is not married to... They have BIG FUN... On Saturday, they Have SEX again, because they really like to. On Sunday, they both go to Church and say: "forgive us father, for we had FUN". THE PRIEST (a known pedophile) says all is forgiven and they all go to Heaven. On Monday, The MAFIA guy sells heroin to elementary school kids, the Priest *&*##$@*** the kids and the weekly cycle continues... WHAT AN ABSURD SYSTEM...It seems to me that we ought to PUNISH murderers... NOT FORGIVE THEM !

A better system would be to take people that DO BAD THINGS and reincarnate them as a flea. Then they would have to live a thousand lifetimes as a flea before they got promoted to human. KARMA. "My Karma ran over your Dogma"...

I like the practice of communion... You eat a sacred wafer and meet GOD. I've done that. It works! At MY CHURCH, we eat a wafer that is laced with LSD-25... 
Yes, its true, I have met GOD personally. 

(or at least I Truly Believed that I Met God at the time...) MY CHURCH WORKS... If you have not met GOD, discard your obsolete religion and get one that ACTUALLY WORKS... 

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

The Four Noble Truths Of Budhism
The First Noble Truth - THE EXISTENCE OF IMPERMANENCE - "Dukkha"

Nothing lasts forever. Understand this and be not attached to what you are experiencing, otherwise you will experience suffering. When you experience happiness know that it is a reaction to circumstance and it is not a permanent state. Conversely, when you are suffering know that it shall not be eternal.

Craving sensory stimulation, craving existence, and craving non-existence give rise to the continuity of being, and with it its attendant suffering. Attaining a state of non-craving should be part of your daily effort.

The Third Noble Truth - THE CESSATION OF SUFFERING - "Nirodha"
One can end eternal suffering by ending the craving that leads to the continuation of suffering.
The Fourth Noble Truth - THE MIDDLE WAY, or THE NOBLE EIGHTFOLD PATH -"Magga"
Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Original Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

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