Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What can regular people do to fight Russian Interference in the 2020 Elections? Simply Refuse to read Propaganda. Boycott Twitter and Facebook News Feed.

Facebook and Twitter have become infected by Russian trolls spewing anti-American brainwashing... Chatbots Tweet messages that are specifically designed to undermine our faith in Democracy and our Elections. I do not read Twitter or the Facebook Newsfeed. I write to them but do not read. Until Facebook and Twitter take action to prevent PRAVDA They will not get my attention. Those platforms make money by selling advertising. If I'm not reading, their advertisers are wasting their money. I recommend that we all #BoycottFacebook and #BoycottTwitter.
It's OK to belong to a Facebook Group like my Alumni Association from High School. There are no advertisements and no political discussians... It's all just nostalgia and remembering classmates that have passed away. BE AWARE of propaganda in all media. On TV there is a channel called RT (Russian Television) that reports news with a Soviet perspective. I do not watch that channel. It is strangely disturbing that FOX News on TV participates in Campaigns like #ReleaseTheMemo that are actively promoted by Russian ChatBots. WTF?

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We outlawed Machine Guns, Why Not Assault Rifles? Al Capone used a "Tommy Gun" (Thompson Machine gun) in the Prohibition Era Gang Wars in Chicago. Most famously the Valentine Day Massacre. Then the USA made the guns illegal. Why didn't the NRA cite the Second Amendment and campaign to keep Machine Guns Legal? What about Bazookas, Rocket Propelled Grenades, Flamethrowers and Hand Grenades? [CHANT] Hey, Hey, NRA; How Many Kids did You Kill Today? [CHANT]

NRA skull word art - #MAGAKillers Suck - gvan42

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