The Old White Men that Rule the USA are FRANTIC about The Fact That They are a Minority... and Every Day More of them DIE, Never to be Replaced... Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minorities or College Graduates... and All Those Groups Vote Democratic... IF WE HAVE ELECTIONS AT ALL... The QAnon/GOP Party is Doing Everything it Can to END Democracy and Crown Trump CZAR... with Barron to be Heir to the Throne... or Maybe Ivanka will be Queen... Whatever Happens, They are Total Idiots About Business and They Will Cause the Entire USA to Go Bankrupt... That's All Trump Really Knows How to Do... If the USA Declares Bankruptcy, Global Economic Collapse is Soon To Follow...
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Changing the Subject
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"They" are Simply trying to Increase Sales RIGHT NOW because Your Chinese Junk is on a Boat floating off Long Beach Harbor... and PRICES ARE HIGHER! The ABSURD part of this is that Joe Biden went there to encourage them to work 24 hours a day... OK... WHY HAVE THEY NOT BEEN WORKING 24 HOURS A DAY ALREADY? Don't they Have LIGHTS?
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire... Iraq Had No WMD, No Ties to Al-Bundy and Nothing at All to do with 9/11... Here is a Photo of Colin Powell Lying at the United Nations... Holding a Bottle of Flour while pretending it was WMD...
There was a Group of Five Evil People that Caused a LOT of Pointless Death During the Reign of American Idiot George W Bush the Son... So Far... Donald Rumsfeld and Colin Powell have died... The world will be a better place once George the Son, Dick Cheney and Condi Rice have passed away... and I really shouldn't Forget George Tenet... the Head of the CIA that PROVIDED the LIES Bush Needed to Invade Iraq... He was Evil as Well...
Colin Powell Guernica |
This Image Shows What Colin Powell's 2003 UN Press Conference Would Have Looked Like. He Was Promoting the Insane Bombing of Civilians in Iraq... Just Like the Insane Bombing of Civilians in Pablo Picasso's Guernica Painting...
Traditionally Press Conferences are Filmed IN FRONT of this Painting BUT... For Colin Powell's Press Conference The painting was COVERED BY SHEETS so it would Not be Visible... Because the HYPOCRISY Would Be Obvious...
Six Evil People... Slowly they are All Dying, Making America A Better Place... No, I Don't Know who that guy in the back is... Left to Right: Colin Powell, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Condi Rice, George Tenet (seated), Unknown, Donald Rumsfeld...
A Brief History of the War In Iraq. OOPS, We Blew Up The Wrong Country. On 9/11 Fourteen (14) SAUDI ARABIAN Hijackers Flew Airplanes into The World Trade Center. Five (5) Were NOT Saudis.
Silly Heart Face Art by gvan42 |
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