Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE: Did You Ever Notice Traffic Jams? High Rents? Expensive Food? All Those Things are Caused By Too Many People Competing for Limited Resources.

The Solution to the Problem of Overpopulation is to Make Birth Control and Abortion FREE and LEGAL Worldwide... 

La solución al problema de la sobrepoblación es hacer que el control de la natalidad y el aborto sean GRATIS y LEGALES en todo el mundo...

Just Like any Other Animal, Nature Reduces an Overpopulated Species using Starvation, Disease, Fire, Hurricanes and War. Biologist Thomas Malthus Wrote About This Over a Hundred Years Ago... and It's Still True... 

Did You Notice The Coronavirus? That's Nature Reducing Overpopulation... and How Many MORE Plagues Are Coming?

More people means more demand for oil, gas, coal and other fuels mined or drilled from below the Earth’s surface that, when burned, spew enough carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere to trap warm air inside like a greenhouse.

Biology - by gvan42

'One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and Nature should not be broken.' Leo Tolstoy.
When all this with the climate and ecological crisis is over, this will be how the survivors who have come out of the Earth's Great Tribulation will work to restore their broken links and connections to Mother Earth. And once that ancient lost link between humanity and Mother Nature is restored, it will not be broken again. For some of you here, you will witness this great restoration between ourselves, the Earth and all life on this planet. For those of you who are especially fortunate and blessed, you will be part of this restoration. You will help educate and guide humanity into forging a new peace treaty and covenant with the planet.
Most, however, will remain in darkness and self-serving human egotism and will be swept away with the tides of change without ever realizing or understanding the crimes they have committed against the Mother of all Life.
For those who are interested, here is the link to the Treaty with Mother earth -

On a Different Subject: 

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Hey Everybody: Let's Cut Driving In Half... Do You REALLY Need to Burn Fossil Fuels to Live a Good Life? Cars, Trucks and Vans are CAUSING Climate Change... JUST PARK 'EM ...and... NO FLYING IN JET AIRPLANES! NONE!

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