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Whistle Blower Cancels GOP Pro-Insurrectionist News Conference. Matt Gaetz & Marjorie Taylor Greene Seen RUNNING AWAY from Protesters. Giant Trump Puppet... Mockery!

Matt Gaetz Event SHUT DOWN By Protesters...

Anti Trump Whistle Drawing - He Loves Whistle Blowers - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

HEADLINE: Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene's press conference on Capitol rioters shut down by protesters...

A press conference from the pair in Washington, D.C., about imprisoned alleged participants in the Jan. 6 Capitol riots was derailed entirely by protesters.

The presser and the protests come as the legislature is beginning its hearings into the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol building. The demonstrators ruined shots of the conference by ambling into the background with accusatory signage. At the same time, a lone person loudly blew a whistle to drown out the speakers.

anti trump protest whistle meme at every GOP Prss Conference - gvan42 - like and share worldwide - THANKS

A Marjorie Taylor Greene-Matt Gaetz press conference in support of Jan. 6 rioters was derailed by a whistler...

pedo for trump jpg file

Protesters gatecrashed a press conference held by Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene outside the DOJ

Link to My Latest Products on my Zazzle Webstore Including The Whistle Drawing on T-Shirts, Buttons and Playing Cards!

and then I read a Wonderful Story... AG SAID:

My daughter starts middle school tomorrow. We've decorated her locker, bought new uniforms, even surprised her with a new backpack. But tonight just before bed, we did another pre-middle school task that is far more important than the others. I gave her a tube of toothpaste and asked her to squirt it out onto a plate. When she finished, I calmly asked her to put all the toothpaste back in the tube. She began exclaiming things like "But I can't!" and "It won't be like it was before!" I quietly waited for her to finish and then said the following:
"You will remember this plate of toothpaste for the rest of your life. Your words have the power of life or death. As you go into middle school, you are about to see just how much weight your words carry. You are going to have the opportunity to use your words to hurt, demean, slander and wound others. You are also going to have the opportunity to use your words to heal, encourage, inspire and love others. You will occasionally make the wrong choice; I can think of three times this week I have used my own words carelessly and caused harm. Just like this toothpaste, once the words leave your mouth, you can't take them back. Use your words carefully, Breonna. When others are misusing their words, guard your words. Make the choice every morning that life-giving words will come out of your mouth. Decide tonight that you are going to be a life-giver in middle school. Be known for your gentleness and compassion. Use your life to give life to a world that so desperately needs it. You will never, ever regret choosing kindness."

Grateful dead (or grateful ghost) is a folktale present in many cultures throughout the world.

The most common story involves a traveler who encounters a corpse of someone who never received a proper burial, typically stemming from an unpaid debt. The traveler then either pays off the dead person's debt or pays for burial. The traveler is later rewarded or has their life saved by a person or animal who is actually the soul of the dead person; the grateful dead is a form of the donor.[1][2] The grateful dead spirit may take many different physical forms including that of a guardian angel, animal, or fellow traveler.[3] The traveler's encounter with the deceased comes near the end of the traveler's journey.[3]

Bible Joke

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