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Plato's Story "The Cave" is so very Meaningful to me... When I Heard it on the FM Radio in the Late sixties I Said: "Hey, That's What Happened to ME!" It seems to describe LSD... and I Wonder... Did Plato Eat Psychedelic Mushrooms and Dance along the Paisley Path?
SLAVERY IN AMERICA: History You Won't Learn in School... Because Republicans are Rewriting History and Pretending Reality Does Not Exist... Use the Internet To Learn What Really Happened... Hey Kids! SLAVERY IN AMERICA WOULD BE AN EXCELLENT TOPIC TO WRITE A TERM PAPER ON... DO RESEARCH, TELL THE STORY, FORM CONCLUSIONS, PUBLISH... GET AN "A" GRADE IN SCHOOL... and Make Republicriminals Mad as Hell because you told the Truth!
Popular Posts HOWDY FOLKS! — 36.20384, -105.40882 Ignore all rumors of cancellation, site chan...
Now It's 5/10/2021 and Joe Biden is President, Both the House and Senate are Controlled by Democrats and Trump Has Been Banished to Mar-...
What Do These People Have In Common? The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Queen, The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen, Billy Joel, Simon & Garfunkle, Elvis Presley, Kraftwerk,... Can You Spot the Trend? The Pattern? The Who, The Moody Blues, Emerson Lake & Palmer, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Procol Har...
So... If You are Part of the Ruling Class... LAWS DO NOT APPLY and You May sell Thousands of Automatic Rifles to Mexican Drug Gangs without ...
I remember when I could not afford a Car I was able to get to work on the Bus ...and... Drinking and Driving is Not Only Illegal But Actu...
Easy Yet Wonderful... Pretty Soon the Filter Turns Brown from Smoke, Pollen and Dust. LINKS TO MORE BLOG POSTS! TAX THE RICH. CUT TAXES ON ...
Anna Morgan-Lloyd, 49, from rural Indiana, had pleaded guilty to a single misdemeanor for trespassing inside the Capitol as part of the crow...
To Start: In any Paint type program Make a .jpg File with Large Block Letters at the Top... I used Paint dot Net These Letters started...
#1: The Atom Bomb... a Machine That Could End all life on Earth... Pretty Damn Idiotic... Maybe the 17 Year Cicadas would Survive... If the...
and DOGS Don't Like Firecrackers Either... Remembering Veterans: Vietnam Veterans - "The Wall That Heals" a Traveling Wall fo...