Remember: An Alien Attack by UFO is Highly Unlikely....
A BETTER IDEA Would be to De-Classify the Secret UFO Anti-Gravity Propulsion Systems... We Could Reverse Engineer Them and Replace Fossil Fuel Completely... We Ought to Give EXXON-VALDEZ a Couple of Years to Invest in Other Businesses... Like Solar or Wind... because when The UFO Technology is Revealed, They will be totally OUT of the Oil Business... Maybe they could invest in the Insurance Business... Like Phillip Morris (Marlboro Cigarettes) is Doing...
Welcome Home Space Brother Free Coloring Book Art!
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It's Simply a Handout to Corporations that Build Stuff for The Space Farce... Obvious Corruption... 
If they can make it here, our technology is inconsequential! The Space Force thing is just perplexing, well stupid! The Air Force was already doing the job. More governmental red tape from the party of "smaller government." Just fluff to create an illusion that some thing was actually accomplished.
I totally agree with you, but what I find that is insane is the total amount of tax dollars that will be wasted. Those billions of dollars could go for infrastructure, schools, homeless shelters, meals on wheels, and other worthwhile programs. Not wasting our money, on chasing little green men who only exists in the Repubtards brain.
IT's A Hoax! Do NOT Send any Money... They Are Just Harvesting Credit Card Numbers... They Ask for Your Name, Address, Phone Number, THE SECRET CODE ON THE BACK OF YOUR CREDIT CARD and The Expiration Date... FRAUD ALERT! - FRAUD ALERT! - FRAUD ALERT!