Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What's The Difference Between Rush Limbaugh and The Hindenburg? One is a Flaming Nazi Gasbag and the Other is an Airship!

Led Zeppelin
My Drawing of Ezekiel's Wheel from the Bible...
I Always Wondered... UFO or Magic Mushrooms?

GOP - Super MAD About Everything All The Time! WHY? Because they Know that They Are Doing EVIL and They Feel Guilty About It. They Know Their Party Is Doomed. Trump Will Lose in 2020. The Senate and The House will Become Democratic. A New Era of Peace and Prosperity Will Start. The GOP Will Not Win any Elections for 50 Years. The ERA of the Old White Man Ruling Everything is Quickly Coming to an End. Most Voters are Women, Minorities or College Graduates. Let's Try Majority Rule in the USA. We TRIED Corporate Rule and That was a Disaster!

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Gregory Laan: The Goal of the Russian Disinformation Campaign was to Get Americans to Fight Each other. Well Played, Putin! You were Successful...

Victor Koman: Yes, and Democrats are serving his quest for chaos and distrust quite well. No one else is claiming that we can't trust the 2016 OR 2020 results. Qui bono?

Ernest Sewell: If that was Putin's wish, I suspect that he's thinking that he got something of a "Monkey's Paw" type wish. We fought alright... And the Populist Nationalist Right appears to have won, or are winning rather decisively. The forces of "political correctness," ideological repression and "one size fits all" governmental control are in disarray, and are turning upon themselves to fix blame rather than moving as a coordinated entity against those of freedom, small (-er,--) government and common sense.

Gregory Laan: It Takes Two to Tango - I Keep on reading about "Boogaloo 2020" a Gun Nut Plan for the Second American Civil War... If they are not happy with the 2020 election results - start a violent revolution and keep Mad King Donald in the White House by encircling it with Armed Patriots. It Would be Fun to Watch on TV... Like a Mad Max Movie...

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