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I Interviewed a Korean War Veteran for my Book "America's Bogus Wars" and asked: What was the Korean War All About? Why were we There? and he said...

"I have NO IDEA... and I was there for Two Years. If you Find Out, tell me." So, I did a little research online and... I found out!

After the Japanese Surrendered in 1945, there was a Power Vacuum all over Asia. The Japanese HAD conquered Many Asian Countries and then, when they were defeated... NO ONE was in charge of those countries. Many "National Freedom Movements" happened where the People of the conquered countries tried to seize power to control their own destiny...

In Korea, The Soviet Union occupied the North and the USA occupied the South. On 25 June 1950, the North Koreans launched a Surprise Attack... beating the South Koreans and the US Army all the way back to the south-eastern tip of the peninsula... General Douglas MacArthur Beat the North Koreans back BUT a Wave of  of Chinese ‘volunteers’ halted the advancing allies and forced them back to the 38th parallel.

and we have had a Border with a DMZ there ever since... 

SO, What were we doing there at all?  Fighting the Commies!
After WW2, The USA and The USSR was dividing up the world and we were just Grabbing Power... Like in Germany, with West Berlin and East Berlin... and a WALL between them.

Remember, this was 1950 and the USA was experiencing a Bizarro World RED SCARE! Congress had Un-American Activities Hearing lead by Senator Joe McCarthy... Of the Famous McCarthyism... Where, in a PANIC, they sought to Run the REDS out of Hollywood, and Arrest Folksingers. After all, They were Leading America's Youth ASTRAY... and CAUSING BEATNIKS! 

This lead to the Creation of the John Birch Society... and Young Americans for Freedom... 


Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka California - Street Theater
Anti Iraq War Protest March in Eureka California
Street Theater - A Widow and a GITMO Prisoner...

Remember: Since 1945 The US Military Has
NEVER Defended The Country.

All Wars Since WW2 Have Been Marketing
For The Military Industrial Complex.

Just Sell, Sell, Sell Stuff to the Pentagon.

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