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The Town House Motel in Chico has raised their price to $1000 a week. It Was HALF that BEFORE THE FIRE in Paradise. All the other Motels are SOLD OUT.


Shame on you for charging 1000 a week!! People have lost their homes! And you have the nerve to gouge them! Not to mention the pictures on Yelp show the motel as a disgusting place. The bed bugs and filth is disgusting. I feel so bad for the people that have no place else to go. I hope you get fined!!

You should be ashamed of yourself!!


Price gouging fire victims at $1000 a week????
That is unacceptable!! Time to boycott this place!
Shame on you, scumbags!!!!!!!!


Don't even think about staying here. They have  violated the law by price gouging the Camp Fire victims, by raising the rates over 2 times as much!!! This is illegal, and if it were not, it is absolutely reprehensible!!!!


So I see that they doubled the price of the hotel rooms during a emergency crisis with the campfire and are now charging $1000 a week 
That's out rages price during an emergency I hope the DA does something about it

and about a dozen more like these... 

The Haven Inn of Chico is Sold out... No availability... I wanted to find out what the weekly rental price was... After Reading that the Town House Motel Doubled their Rates... The Rodeway Inn (Used to be the Budget) is also sold out. The Regency has no website.

...and my Favorite The Club Chico Motel is Closed... at Esplanade and East Ave it was where I first lived in the Late 1990s... I almost died there after setting the mattress on fire with a cigarette... but the Manager woke me up in time... pulled the burning mattress out of the motel room, put out the fire, put a new mattress in the room and said to not worry about it... hey, a paying customer is valuable and mattresses are free from the dumpsters when the College Students leave every spring. I picked one up years later for the back of my Ford Windstar Van.

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