Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Scientology TV Channel has a Show: "The Truth About Drugs." - Mostly Accurate: Drugs are Dangerous. However They DO NOT Ask The Question, Are They Worth It?

True: Skiing is Dangerous but TOTALLY WORTH IT. The excitement of swooshing down a snow covered hill is worth the chance of breaking a leg... Not Worth It for ME, but many choose to SKI.

True: Driving a Car is Dangerous but TOTALLY WORTH IT. You might get into an accident but you might be able to travel thousands of miles away from home...

True: Drugs are Dangerous BUT... ARE THEY WORTH IT?

For Example:

Marijuana makes Rock Concerts More Fun. I went to an Allman Brothers Concert without smoking weed and the Music was TOO LOUD and the Guitar Solos were TOO LONG and Seemed Pointless. Seeing the Grateful Dead while Tripping on LSD is an experience UNPARALLELED in any other Music experience or RELIGION. Why read a book about Moses Talking to a Burning Bush when it's possible to Talk to God Directly?

Psychedelics gave us the Later Music of The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Moody Blues, Led Zeppelin, Iron Butterfly,  The Grateful Dead, The Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver, Country Joe and the Fish, Moby Grape, Sopwith Camel, Steve Miller, The Eagles, Buffalo Springfield, The Doors and The Who... Scientology has not produced any Great Music...

Opium Gave us "Alice in Wonderland" and "Thru the Looking Glass" by Lewis Carroll. and "Manuscript Found in a Bottle" by Edgar Allen Poe.

It's True that Edgar Allen Poe had a Horrible Life... Alcoholism and Opium Addiction... but... He wrote some great Tales...

and Psychedelic ART? Fillmore West Concert Posters... Peter Max... Joe Parker... Robert Crumb... Rock Music Album Covers...

and the Computer Programs like Adobe Photoshop and Paint Dot Net have MANY tools that create psychedelic art... I assume the felt there was a market for Psychedelicizers and wrote code to deliver that to people...

ANOTHER SUBJECT that the Scientology TV Show Fails to address is: Should Drugs be Legal?

Obviously, Marijuana should be legal as Many States Have Legalized it with Positive Results. Millions of Lives have been Ruined by Incarceration. The Prisoners AND Their Families.

Should Psychedelics be Legalized? My Opinion is Medicinal Psychedelics Should Be Legal. Many people have benefitted from The Psychedelic Experience when considering Mortality... Others have NOT. The man who had a Travel/Cooking Show on CNN Committed Suicide... Anthony Bourdain says that as a young man he ate Orange Sunshine brand name LSD... I would think that would PREVENT suicide...  I guess I was wrong...

Legalization would improve the QUALITY and PURITY of Psychedelics. Often Illegal Drug Salesmen sell DOM and Call it LSD... DOM causes a Three Day Trip that most people find so unpleasant that they go to the Hospital... Desperate to Stop Tripping... If SANDOZ Labs were making the LSD we could be assured of getting PURE Quality and a KNOWN DOSE. Some people find that 100 micrograms is a great trip but 400 micrograms is JUST TOO MUCH. Consumers would be given the choice of how much to take. When I was a teenager many doses were 400 mics but by the 1990s 100 mics was standard... OR THAT'S WHAT THEY SAY... I have no IDEA what I was eating...

I found that a Large Dose of Psilocybin Mushrooms was Scary but a small dose was fun. I remember going to The San Jose Convention Center the Day BEFORE a Car Show... I just walked in and looked at everything including the Brand New Volkswagen... No One Challenged me or asked for a ticket... or any thing. Then I went next door to the Public Library to work on my website and I noticed that all the Librarians seemed frightened of me... I guess a Giant Man Tripping on Mushrooms Appears to be a WOOKIE... and should not be confronted... The next day I was telling my boss at work about the NEW Volkswagen and How wonderful it looked and He asked my what color the bug was... I did not know the ANSWER to that question because to ME, it was Paisley... so I lied and told him it was Blue.

Peyote should OBVIOUSLY BE LEGAL. and it is for Members of the Native American Church.

Some Couples Counsellors say that MDMA is good for healing Marriages.

The Law says Opioids that you get from your Doctors are Legal... and Kills Thousands of People Every Year.

Coffee seems safe... or at least, I'm going to keep on drinking it Forever.

Tobacco is VERY Addictive and Causes Cancer, Emphysema and COPD. It's Legal.

FOR ME, Smoking Marijuana is not good... When available, I smoke all day every day... When Oregon Legalized, I smoked One Pound in Eight Months. Then I Stopped Smoking and took a driving vacation to The Deserts of Nevada. Can't have an Illegal Drug in the Van... I always met Police. SO, NO Withdrawal Symptoms like with Addictive Drugs Like Tobacco or Opium. However I DID Remain Stoned for about a Month. I DID See things that Were Not There. I DID Make Decisions based on Events That Did Not Happen... OOPS...

and another thing... Since I quit Smoking I have made 53 Music Videos of me Singing and Playing the Guitar... While I was Smoking I Made 4... AND While Playing the Piano Stoned I use too much foot pedal... and the rhythm is not smooth... even while playing composition I wrote myself... my brain was having difficulty remembering what chord came next.

I did a Scientific Study of Drugs and Chess Playing Ability. I Had a Chess Computer that would play at different levels... I played on different drugs... Coffee made me a better player, Marijuana and Alcohol made me worse. I couldn't play at all on LSD... The experiment was not interesting.

Alcohol is TRULY a Dangerous Drug. Thankfully I Joined AA in the year 2000. Quit Drinking, met a lot of Interesting People. Married one of them. In the end stages of Alcoholism a person Gets Delirium Tremens... a horrible hallucinatory nightmare world... That's what they say.

"Yesterday Upon the Stair I saw a man that wasn't there. He wasn't there again today. Oh How I wish he'd go away."

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