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Here's an Idea. BUY Coal Mine Corporations and Shut Them Down. Greenpeace Energy bids to buy German brown coal generators and replace with renewables.

Greenpeace Energy, a German electric utility that runs independent of its titular founder, has announced this week plans to buy out RWE Group’s lignite coal business and replace it with 8.2 GW worth of renewables by 2025.
The German cooperative electric utility announced its plans on Monday, revealing that it has already begun offering talks to RWE Group and other relevant stakeholders ranging from the local level to the German Government.
“What we propose is a huge chance for the Rheinische Revier – and brings us a big step forward in climate protection,” said Sönke Tangermann, CEO of Greenpeace Energy. “Our concept is financially fair for all sides and designed so that redundancies can be avoided.”

The energy company RWE intends to destroy the last remnants of Hambach Forest between October 2018 and February 2019 so that it can continue extracting coal from Hambach open-cast mine.

Hambach Forest Protest Germany - After the Journalist Dies
Hambach Forest Protest Germany 
After the Journalist Dies
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Toxic waste from 22 coal plants in Illinois puts drinking water for nearby communities at risk, reports show... 

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