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Great Movies: Tomorrowland with George Clooney. It gives the viewer hope for the future as he recruits children to build a better Tomorrow.

The Movie Points out our fundamental flaw with the concept of IGNORING global warming. Be aware that Spring has Sprung here in California already... February 15th 2018. 

An EXTREMELY EARLY Spring. I predict* that we will have a long hot summer with EVEN MORE ecological disasters than last year. MORE Hurricanes. MORE Wildfires and MORE Tornados. 

*Prediction Came True: The Summer of 2021 Had More Wildfires Than Ever Before... and I Predict** That Next Summer Will Be EVEN WORSE! 

Eventually the Gulf Coast from Texas to Florida will become uninhabitable. The East Coast from Florida to New York will get devastated EVERY YEAR and it will become simply uneconomical to repair... The Midwest will have EVEN MORE Tornados... I predict that the only place to live safely will be the Coast of Oregon, NorCal and Washington State. A Cool and Rainy climate that prevents wildfires... The Climate of Santa Barbara will move on up the coast and It will become a surfing paradise... While the rest of the country descends into chaos and mass death... Love Mosquitos? They like the hot and will become the new inhabitants of New York City... Did you notice that Miami Florida had a giant green slime growth last year. The warm water let the single celled organisms grow and flourish... and there was NOTHING that people could do to get rid of it...
So, what can we do to prevent catastrophe?  Most Important: We must stop polluting our air. Reduce driving cars. Close coal fired power plants. and... have fewer children. In the "First" World [Europe, America and Australia] the birth rate has declined. People that are rich enough to afford to go to the doctor voluntarily select to have fewer children. HOWEVER... Some Religions forbid birth control. Catholics and Muslims... Those people are breeding like crazy... We already have too many people alive on Planet Earth today. Did you ever notice TRAFFIC JAMS? Cities like The San Francisco Bay Area and Los Angeles have astonishing traffic jams that waste vast quantities of gasoline... AND IT'S SIMPLY GOING TO GET WORSE...  Undesirable behavior like burning COAL was not a big ecological disaster back when there were fewer people... That time has passed. Did you know that a half a Billion people in India cook their food by burning cow pies? That's a source of pollution that wasn't important back when there were only a million Indians but NOW, with a Billion Indians... It's a big problem... With NO obvious solution...
Did you know that last year when we were having Hurricanes in the USA that a thousand people died in Bangladesh and India from their Cyclones? It's the same storm just a different name...
What about the civil unrest that comes from ecological disasters? What will the USA look like when we have a hundred million climate refugees? When all those people that used to live in Texas to Florida to New York City become homeless and hungry? Even Billionaires suffered when Hurricane Sandy flooded Manhattan...

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