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Republicans who voted for tRUMP feel so Used and Dirty... Like Toilet Paper... Join the resistance! Banish him to Mar-A-Loser!

Drum circle at the White House

And then on Faceborg SE said:
To my friends in Canada: I hope you understand that the vast majority of Americans do NOT support Trump's crazy ideas of making Canada part of the US. That thought never crossed our minds, and most of us can hardly even wrap our heads around the concept. It's hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that enough people voted for Trump to get him elected. But the crazy things he has been saying about wanting to take over Canada, Greenland, Panama, and the Gaza Strip are downright scary. That's pure dictator talk. I'm pretty sure I speak for the majority of Americans when I say that all that dictator talk is coming from Trump and only Trump. The rest of us just want to get back to living a normal life without having to worry about our rights being taken away, or possibly being hunted down and killed because we don't agree with the things Trump is doing. I still can't believe people voted for him over something as mundane as the price of groceries - and he's so busy talking about conquering other countries, he hasn't even MENTIONED grocery prices. Are people sorry about how they voted? We could have had a president who actually cared about us and our democracy and our allies, but people just didn't get it.

By Congressman Jerry Nadler

Since Election Day, many people have asked me what they might do to support those of us in Congress who are ready and willing to stand up and fight the Trump agenda. 

My answer starts with a fundamental belief that the 240-year-old institutions of our government, in particular, our systems of checks and balances, were, in part, created with the precise goal of averting tyranny. 

These institutions can only function properly, however, when our country’s leaders work vigorously to ensure that they do, and when citizens remain fully engaged in the process. Now more than ever, with a President-elect who threatens to undermine and even delegitimize those institutions—and in doing so, to damage the very soul of our liberal democracy—

I implore everyone to help our country help itself. 

We cannot wait four years to vote Mr. Trump out of office, as members of the GOP Senate and House Majorities have already stated that they will facilitate the Trump agenda, even if they weren’t supporters of his during the campaign. So we must do everything we can to stop Trump and his extreme agenda now. 

We do this by: 
1. Holding him accountable for the tenor and tactics of his campaign, as well as his past and ongoing deplorable personal, professional and political conduct; 
2. Waging fierce battles against every regressive action he takes—from personnel appointments to his legislative program—in order to thwart or at least slow them down; 
3. Exposing his Republican enablers in Congress, and voting them out of office in 2018, with the goal of taking back either the House or the Senate for Democratic control.

“For the first time in over 50 years of voting in presidential elections, I will not vote Republican.”
These are former Donald Trump voters. They supported him and his policies in the past. But now, they refuse to support him for president again. Watch them explain in their own words why they’re voting against their party to ensure that Trump never holds office again.

The Quest To Convince Republicans That Donald Trump Can’t Do Evil... Because the Whole World will RESIST! 

That will be great joy at Trump's funeral

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