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Why Does Trump Look Like He's Playing an Invisible Accordion? He's a Big Al Yankovic Fan!


Why Does Trump Look Like He's Playing an Invisible Accordion? He's a Big Al Yankovic Fan!

Why Does Trump Look Like He's Playing an Invisible Accordion? He's a Big Al Yankovic Fan!

Kiss My Rump, Donald Tr*mp 2024

Grateful Dead Forever

Dan Griffin 

On July 19, 1974, I got a call at Altec Lansing from Dan Healy of the Grateful Dead. Dan explained that they were going to be playing at the Hollywood Bowl 2 days later and they were having problems with their Altec/Hewlett Packard 8050A real time spectrum analyzer. Dan invited me to come up and tour the new “Wall of Sound” and also bring a replacement analyzer. I took Dan up on the offer and brought along my new Minolta 35mm camera. Dan, along with “Bear”Stanley, and Ron Wickersham, were the key designers of the ”Wall of Sound”. I was given free reign to wander the stage and take whatever pics I wanted. What a great sale for JBL. The Dead did not use Altec speakers, but they did use our 1/3 octave equalizers and analyzers. So how did the system really sound in the great big Hollywood Bowl? Onstage, the overhead vocal cluster was a tremendous stage monitor system. The guitar systems, and especially the bass guitar were magnificent. But the vocal cluster suffered in that big outdoor amphitheater. The Hollywood Bowl has almost 18,000 seats and very good natural acoustics, but those little 2105 5” paper cone midrange drivers just had a very short coherent throw. The EVT350 tweeters sounded very nice up close, but were pretty much lost at 80 feet. I’m sure the system worked much better indoors where reflections benefited. It’s just hard to replace compression drivers (that make 109 db with 1 watt), with a cone driver that’s 15dB less sensitive……and no horn to guide the airwaves. It certainly was an early use of line array technology. The out of polarity, noise cancelling mics were an interesting experience…but one that didn’t work well. It was certainly a clean sounding system and nothing beats those McIntosh 2300 amps. All pics are scanned from the original negatives at 4800 dpi. Enjoy, but please note that all pics are copyrighted... 

Enjoy, but please note that all pics are copyrighted...

I never saw the white rectangles at the top before... 
is that the "House" PA?

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