tRUMP HAS LOST HIS MIND! ... He Thinks Obama is President! NOT TRUE! Joe Biden is President and Lives in the White House...Trump LOST and Lives at MAR-A-LOSER in Florida!

Donald Trump is dealing with much more acute cognitive issues.

Experts are becoming increasingly worried over Trump's condition, Salon reports, with the former president struggling to form coherent sentences and even once again confusing Biden with his predecessor Barack Obama during a rally in North Carolina this month.

"Not enough people are sounding the alarm, that based on his behavior, and in my opinion, Donald Trump is dangerously demented," psychologist and former Johns Hopkins Medical School professor John Gartner, who wrote a book about Trump's mental health, told Salon.

tRUMP and Solar Eclipse Safety - IDIOT!

Buttons for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan... 
Comic Rainbow Spirals... Slogans... Psychedelic ART... 
LINK to All My Buttons - CLICK HERE!

Psychedelic ART Buttons for Sale: 


Neckties for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan: Zig Zag Swirl, Rainbow Spiral Diamond, UFO over a Green World, Alien Eye, Purple Supernova and Green Pentagon... Remember to Question Authority - and If You Can't... Question Reality Instead! 

---> FREE ART! <---

Purple Star Necktie Zazzle Gregvan

Green Star Necktie

Alien Eye Necktie - Zazzle Gregvan

The ART for Free!
Pirate This Image if You Want To!

Alien Eye - Decorated Gifts at Zazzle Gregvan

Alien Eye - Merchandise for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Question Authority  - Upside down American Flag - Signalling Distress at Sea

Pirate At Will and Fly on Your Own Boat!
Upside down American Flag - 
Signalling Distress at Sea

Question Authority button for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan

In 2024, Who Is Authority? Today, it's Google with their AI Answers... and Soon AI Will be Everyhere...

Long ago when Dr. Timothy Leary wrote the slogan: "Think for Yourself and Question Authority." the meaning was different... I believe it Stood for The Government, The Military, The Police and in my Case... My High School, Teachers and Parents...

I guess that the Government and the Corrupt Supreme Court Still Represent Authority... Since the SCOTUS is Now Writing Laws... but the Police Have Lost Power due to Legalization of Marijuana... I do not care what they do anymore...

LINK: Question Authority Pink Card
Question Authority (Change the Words) Business Card for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Question Authority (Change the Words) Business Card

Comic Art that look like Oil Paint Floating on Water... and YES! You may Change the Words... on the FRONT or the BACK or BOTH... Say The Name of Your Band, Business or a Snarky Slogan... GO WILD!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42
FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

FREE ART! Go ahead and Pirate these Images by gvan42

SEE? Being a MAGA MORON is Not FUN! 
Headline: Man convicted of attacking ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband with a hammer sentenced to 30 years...

and then... SE Posted...
European Candy
There is a Portugese grocery store in Half Moon Bay, and they have a huge selection of imported candy and other treats from all over the world. Every time I go there, I stock up on imported goodies which aren't available at places like World Market. European candy is SO MUCH better quality than American candy, there is no comparison! I could have gone a lot crazier than this, but these are the items I ended up buying. I'm particularly looking forward to trying the Curly Wurly bar, because it's supposed to be just like the Marathon bar, which was discontinued long ago.

and SRB Said: 
If you like candy from other countries, you can buy it on Amazon also. A while ago we got a package of candy bars from the UK which was full of some very interesting different ones. I don't really eat candy too much anymore but it was pretty good and it had one of those curly wirly bars in and some other ones

and E Replied: 
I have ordered candy from other countries online, but there's just something about randomly finding it in the wild that makes it so much more exciting for me. lol We have a bunch of huge Asian markets around here, and they sell all kinds of interesting candy and snacks from Asia which you can't find anywhere else. I always have to control myself from buying everything I see!

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The Whinery FaceBORG Group

and on "The Whinery" I Read...

May I whine for a moment about these posts that go “My parents beat the shit out of me when I was little and as a result I’m better than the sniveling kids today,” or something to that effect.

SW Replied: 
Agree, children deserve the most loving treatment we can give at any age. They are truly the only treasure in life and they don't have to be yours to deserve your love. Love all the children of the world.

Also all of the posts bitching about kids not learning cursive. Get over it people!

and I Replied:
My parents read Dr. Spock... no beating of children...

and Whining on a Different Subject...
When you click on a website, one you are visiting for the first time, and in about four seconds some big thing comes up obscuring everything saying something like “get 10% off!“ Or “sign up for this or that“ etc., and you haven’t even had time to look at the first thing you saw before they started bludgeoning you with something else.

and I Replied:
I'm annoyed by clickbait newspaper headlines... Like: This California City Ranks Highest for Affordability... and I have to Click on the link to find out WHICH CITY...

and PD Replied: 
And it’s NEVER in the first paragraph. You have to dig for it. “The best movie playing right now on Netflix.“ It always mentions several other movies (to throw off) before you finally unearth the name of the one they are talking about. “This one vitamin can increase longevity by 2000%!!” You’re looking for ONE LETTER. B? C? D? The whole first paragraph is “I remember those long summer days at my grandmother’s house playing on the teeter totter…” Yada yada yada. WHAT IS THE GODDAM VITAMIN???

and I Said:
They are Paid by the Click and then paid by how long a web surfer stays on the site... all of those results are automatically scored... and a guy might lose their job because someone else had web surfers stay... just a little bit Longer...

Greta Green Car meme Joke
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