Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Biden's Bad Decision: Supporting Israel. 1/3 of Americans Think Israel is Wrong. 1/3 of Americans Think Hamas is Wrong. 1/3 of Americans Think Both are Wrong.

Will this Mistake Cause Biden to Lose the Election? Should Biden STOP Running for President? Gavin Newsom is More Likely to Beat Trump... and Beating Trump is all that really Matters...


Tell Him Your Opinion!

I said: "No Money for Israel. They just buy BOMBS and Kill People... No Money for Ukraine... Endless War is a Bad Idea... and... Please STOP running for President... Enough is enough... Your Mistake in Supporting Israel has Doomed your Campaign. It is absolutely required that TRUMP LOSE but You are not able to beat him. Step Aside. Retire... 

Remember: NO MONEY FOR ISRAEL! and No US Soldiers or Boats should be deployed there..."

If Faced with the Choice of Biden or Trump... I Will Vote Against Trump. He's Pure EVIL... 

PRESS T-Shirt or Hat for sale - Perfect for Doing Interviews for Your Own Video Blog. Or Wear them to a RIOT, WAR or PROTEST MARCH

PRESS T-Shirt for Sale - Click Here!

PRESS Hat for Sale

The Main Page at Zazzle Gregvan

tRUMP... Should He Be Executed for Treason or Sent to a Mental Hospital for a Lobotomy? #TrumpCrimeFamily #InvestigateIvankaGate #Jared2Billion

If Executed: What Method? "Old Sparky", "Necktie Party" or Circular Firing Squad?

Tucker Carlson Says: ‘Obviously’ We’re ‘Speeding Toward Assassination’ of Trump. Is Tucker Trying to Motivate a Madman to Pull the Trigger? Revenge for Trump Getting Him Fired at Fox? DO NOT KILL TRUMP. THAT WOULD BE WRONG.

According to Carlson, “both parties have decided that there’s something about Trump that’s so threatening to them, they just can’t have it.”

Tucker Carlson Says: They Will Do Anything to Stop Trump From Being President Again... "If you begin with criticism, then you go to protest, then you go to impeachment, now you go to indictment and none of them work...What's next? Graph it out. We are speeding towards assassination obviously...

If Someone DID Murder Trump, Then The Cult Followers Would Elevate Trump to a Christ Like Zeitgeist... SEE? He Was So Good He Had to Die... For YOU!

Remember: JFK, MLK, RFK, Gandhi, John Lennon...

an Obvious Alternative to the Assassination of Trump (as predicted by Tucker Carlson) is to Actually Enforce the 14th Amendment.

Common Sense Economics: Thank You, Joe Biden. Good Jobs, Higher Pay that Bubbles UP throughout the Entire Economy!

Instead of the Republican Plan: More Money For the Super Rich, Biden is Working for the American People... Not the 1%

Let's Repeal and Replace tRUMP's Tax Cut for the Rich Law... That Madness Has Harmed the USA...

Bubble UP! Economics. LOWER Taxes on 99% of Americans and Actually Collect Taxes on the Top 1%... The Total Will Remain the Same! We The People Will Spend that Extra Money in Our Paychecks and it will BUBBLE UP! Throughout The Entire Economy. All Boats Float in a Rising Tide!

Even if Billionaires Pay Taxes, They'll Still be Billionaires! With Increased Sales Due to the BUBBLING Economy, Profits Will Increase... Making Stockholders Happy... EVERYONE WINS! Including Jeff Bezos Because We'll be Buying Stuff at Amazon!

Christmas Ornaments For Sale at My Zazzle Webstore... Mandalas, Kaleidoscope Patterns, Swirling Freakouts - You May Add Words if You Want - or Change the Slogans

LINK to buy this Ornament
You May Change the Word if You Want To.
There are Two Layers of Type...
a White Layer In Back and
a Black Layer in Front...
(To Do That "Drop Shadow" Effect)

Many Other Christmas Ornaments for Sale: Rainbow Cross, Peace Sign, Psychedelic Art, Ezekiel's Wheel UFO and Many More!

Rainbow Cross and UFO Ornaments for Sale

LINK to My Latest Christmas Ornaments. You May Wear Them as a Necklace if You Provide the String...

LINK to my Most Popular Ornaments.

Even More Christmas Ornaments for Sale...



It's Wonderful That Anti-Vax Idiots are Dying in Record Numbers. THANK YOU! We Certainly Don't Need People LIKE THAT in the Future...

WebMD Says: Almost All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths
are in the Unvaccinated.
Of more than 18,000 people who died from COVID-19, for example, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That's less than 1%.

Wall Street Dumps Trump - Why Does the Smart Money Reject Madness? Global Economic Collapse! They Believe That He Will Declare Bankruptcy for the Entire USA and That will Cause the End of the World as We Know It.

Vote 4 Joe Button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Headline: Why Republican donors on Wall Street are abandoning Donald Trump. It was always a marriage of convenience; now they see him as a loser...

14th Amendment Prevents Trump from Running in 2024. The case that Donald Trump is ineligible to run for president in 2024 due to the 14th Amendment is "compelling," but "unlikely to gain broad acceptance," according to a former federal prosecutor.
Earlier this month, two prominent legal scholars wrote a 126-page report arguing Trump is "disqualified" from running for the White House again under section three of the 14th Amendment, due to his "participation in the attempted overthrow of the 2020 presidential election."

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