We have Proof that Two Atom Bombs CURED the Japanese of their TOTALLY BAD ATTITUDE...
They Changed their BELIEFS and Became NICE PEOPLE that make Great Cars and Electronics... Remember THAT When You Drive Your Honda...
Yes, There is a Danger that the Radioactive Fallout Might Rain Down Upon Israel and Maybe Greece, Italy, Spain... but... at the Very Least... Should Israel Use Depleted Uranium Bullets and Shells... Would Genocide Would SOLVE THE PROBLEM Forever... Is Genocide a Bad Thing? Doesn't That Really Depend on the GENES?
Those People Over There Have Proven That They Are Insane... and Now They Won't Be Having Insane Children... or Any Children...
In My Humble Opinion: President Biden Made a Mistake sending Depleted Uranium Munitions to Ukraine... The Genocide Will Harm People for A Thousand Years... LONG After the Memory of Why Putin Invaded Ukraine... or even Who Putin was... Obviously HE'S Insane... but He Could STOP Behaving Crazy if He Just "Happened" to Be Dead... Did you notice That Osama bin Laden Stopped Behaving Crazy After President Obama sent the Seal Team Six to Assassinate Him...
By Shooting Depleted Uranium Bullets from Guns We are Distributing that Radioactive Metal... Making Sure that Future Generations WILL NOT HAVE as Many Russians and Ukrainians. Classic Definition of Genocide...
PLUS... at no extra Charge... It's a Way to Dispose of Radioactive Waste from Nuclear Power Reactors... Why Store it in Casks when we can Simply Dump it on our Enemies?