Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

What If All The Billionaires Went On Strike? Would Anyone Notice? Would Anyone Care? When You Do Nothing at Work, How Can Anyone Tell If You've Stopped?

The Plot of "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand... in 2023 her Conclusion is Totally BOGUS... 

Let's Tax the Rich at the Same Rate that We Tax the Middle Class. Repeal and Replace Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich. That Law is Doing Damage to the USA. Remember: Trump was the Worst President EVER... We Must Beat Him in 2024 and Exterminate the Republican Party... They Are Evil... IMPEACH the SCOTUS... Totally Corrupt!

Contact Your Representatives in Government and Tell 'em to Do The Right Thing!

Vote 4 Joe Gear for Sale at Zazzle Gregvan

tax the rich free coloring book art by gvan42

 Rebel City. London's Anarchist Paper.

Rebel City aims to cover all issues of importance to working-class Londoners. We argue for a radical transformation of our city. Rebel City is collectively produced by a range of groups and individuals. #London

Rebel City. London's Anarchist Paper.

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42
Art by Gregory Vanderlaan
on Google Image Search

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

1312 ACAB; 161 AFA - Graffiti from Europe - They are Angry about the Class War - endless Monarchy - WTF??? Underground Revolution is Possible - collection of art by gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42

meme - tax the Rich - cut Pentagon Spending in Half - Legalize Marijuana Nationwide - make Abortion and Birth Control Free and Legal Worldwide - gvan42


Allen Weisselburg=Guilty, Stewart Rhodes=Guilty,  
Kelly Meggs=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, 
Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve 
Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John 
Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul 
Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael 
Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George 
Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, 
Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and 
Over 900 QAnon Freaks Have Been Arrested for 
Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to 
Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King... 
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... 

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